Chapter 10 Shadow Spirits

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Barb and Riff..

''Hey get back here you Shadow Person!'' Barb shouted.

The dark shadow left and they chased after it coming out to the hallways both looking.

''Which room did they go?'' ask Riff.

''Only one way lets check them out he got to be here one room or another.'' Barb said.

''Ok lets start with this room.'' Riff said.

''No we should split up I take this side you take that side way faster we meet in that first room.'' Barb said.

''Um Barb not to disagree but we are supposed to stick together not seperate.'' Riff said.

''I know.. but it will be real quick just take a peek in it and we have the walkie talkie. Do you honestly believe this Riff?''

''I'm looking out for you Barb I promised your dad I would.'' He said.

''Please for me..'' She made eyes at him.

He gulped. ''Ok.''

He walked into one of the rooms with his flashlight looking around seeing nothing but a painting and a piano. ''Hello anyone in here?'' He asked.

He looked and didn't see anything he then saw a door open. he grabbed his walkie talkie to get Barb.

With Barb..

She was looking in the first room it was big and must of been a game room or fun room because there were books, games, old movies, and a big table with a snack bar and pictures of a family. ''Hmm wasn't the best looking family but it would do.'' She said.

As she was looking around momentarily forgetting the ghost she at the books. ''Dang these are so old.'' She shook her head. ''Book worms.''

Suddenly a book hit her in the face again. ''What the hell?! Branch I swear if that was you I'm gonna strangle you!'' She shouted and she heard a laugh.

A bunch of other books hit her all over flying from the bookshelf. ''Ouch HEY YOU WANT TO PLAY I'LL DESTORY THIS WHOLE ROOM!'' She screamed and pulled out her guitar and started blasting things. ''You like that huh!''

Her walkie went off. ''Barb.'' Said the voice.

''Riff are you ok?'' She asked looking around and dodged as a vase was thrown at her.

''Um there is a door in the wall that opened and I believe this painting is moving.'' He said sounding a bit scared.

''Ok I'll be there.'' She said.

Riff walked to the door and heard a voice. ''Help me.. It was small and quiet and then he saw a figure in the door way it turned into a beautiful girl. ''Come here handsome.'' It said winking at him biting its lips.

He was in a trans and started to follow it. ''RIFF NO WAIT!''

He was tackled down by Barb he pulled out of it. ''Barb? What happened?''

''You were gonna walk though that door in the dark with a dark shadow over you I'm not gonna leave you.'' The queen of rock said.

''I heard a voice in there I need to follow it a a little girl would be hurt.'' He said.

''Dude don't fall for it I came from the other room.'' She said.

He looked at her and grabbed her arms. ''What happened to you? Are you hurt?'' Looking her over.

''Oh yeah that room I was turns out someone was throwing books and vases at me.'' She said and froze.

''What is it?'' He asked.

''That painting did just move.'' She said as she faced it.

''You have something to say pretty boy come on sat show me I dare you.'' Barb taunted.

''You know it will anger the poltergist right?'' He said.

''I got books thrown at me this asshole gets what he deserves!'' The female troll said.

''There it is again lets go.'' Riff said taking off.

Barb stared at the painting and went with him as soon as they were in the door closed. ''Hmm guess we can't go that way.'' She said.

The walked down a few stairs when her boyfriend stopped and was shaking. ''What's wrong?'' She asked.

He only pointed. There was a couple of shadows that were standing there. ''Just stay behind me.'' He said. ''Its only a dream.'' He said.

Barb watched them. ''I'm not afraid of them.'' She walked forward.

''Oh you should be.'' Said a voice.

They looked around, Barb had a her guitar and blasted it and the shadows disappeared. ''Ha! Never mess with me or my guy!'' She shouted.

''You missed you punk rocker and you and your boy would die!'' Said the voice in a low and threating tone.

''Come out and face me!'' Barb shouted.

''I'll do one better.'' She said.

''BARB HELP ME!'' Shouted Riff

Barb looked to see her boyfriend in the air hovering and being pulled away. ''RIFF LET HIM GO NOW I WILL BLAST YOU!'' Barb screamed as she took off after the spirit voice and followed she grabbed Riff's hand and pulled on him she got him before he went though a wall pulling on him.

''Don't worry Riff your not going anywhere I will find you.'' Barb said.

Suddenly something shoved her back into the other wall. ''BARB...!'' The male rock troll said as he vanished into the wall.

''RIFF!'' She shouted and started to cry.

Here we go. Now I will be tell you the others as well but then come back to this so bare with me I'll try to update it later this week also feel free to leave comments on how you like it or if you don't.

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