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(Y/n) walks quietly into her home, waving the Anemo Archon goodbye. He blushes and waves in return, staying still until the door clicks shut. As soon as he knows the door is closed, his smiles wipes away from his face. Something deep inside him burns angrily at the man who gives him some of the best wine in Mondstadt.

"Diluc, you're going to regret everything you've done to her one day," Venti says with a growl in his voice.

Venti begins his march to the bar, Angel's Share. The back of his mind wants to go and order a nice drink, but he knows that that's not as important right now, no matter how delicious dandelion wine sounds.

Venti's face slowly illuminates with golden candle light as he approaches the bar. Standing before the door, he takes a deep breath to calm his nerves and recenter his care-free attitude. He puts on a cheerful smile before pushing open the door.

The folks inside turn to see the bard before turning back to their drinks.

"Evening, Venti, what can I get you?" Charles asks with a smile.

"Oh, nothing tonight. I was actually wonder if Diluc was here?"

"Not ordering anything? That's odd," Charles laughs, "Are you sure you're the real Venti? Ha... Anyway, Diluc is out in the back right now. I can go get him if you need me to."

"That would be very much appreciated, thank you very much!" Venti says with a slight melody in his voice.

Deep down, Venti is nearly busting at the seams at what Diluc is doing to his poor sister. Venti was there the day of her birth and felt very connected when he laid his eyes upon her soft skin. He was just in his wisp form, watching from the window when he first saw her being cradled in a nurse's arms. Not even her mother's.

As (Y/n)'s eyes began to open and grow in vision, Venti snuck into her room as a small wisp and watched her. Her eyes were very beautiful and full of light. She reached out a tiny hand to him, though he was just out of his reach. Something inside Venti's heart changed, watching the little girl.

Since that day, he would watch her from the side lines until she caught him one day. She trotted up to him, no sense of fear in her body. She looked at the cute boy in his human form and smiled brightly at him.

"Hi there! My name i-i-i-i-i-is (Y/n)! I l-l-l-l-l-l-like you!"

That was the first time Venti heard her voice. He felt slightly sad for her, that she wasn't able to speak as clear as the pure winds that filled her spirit. He could tell that she was special, even if she was a bit different. He loved her with her whole heart, and he felt the spirit of freedom just spilling out of her cute body.

"Hi. I'm Venti. I like you too!"

"That's a fu-fu-fu-fu-funny name," she giggled.

Venti smiled, feeling his heart fill with a new sense of warmth. He smiled at her which only caused her to smile even brighter.

"And I swear to protect my sister's smile, no matter what."

No, Venti is not a Yandere, he's just a protective older brother.

When Venti saw her, he new there was something special about her, he just couldn't identify what that was. In fact, he still doesn't quiet know, but doesn't care. All he cares about his making sure his sister is safe and properly treated since she's a bit special.

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