Forty One

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I think I've written myself into a dead end. I might have to do a redo, oopsies.


Mature Themes
Not Intended for Younger Audiences

With a deep breath, I continue to shuffle through the pile of clothes, searching for my precious item. I can feel the wisps of the wind around my fingertips, drawing me closer to search deeper into the mess of bloody cloth.

Finally, I hit something hard, smooth and delicate. I quickly clench my hand and pull up the fabric that surrounds the piece of stone. Even through the fabric, the shining and cool light beats through the pocket.

My heartrate picks up causing the gem to increase its pulse. I rummage through the pocket of brother's pants and finally touch the cold gem. A sudden feeling of peace washes over my whole body, like a cool blanket on a hot night. I can't help but clutch it to my chest, feeling more and more at peace with every beating pulse.

"It's going to be okay," I murmur, "e-everyth-thing will b-be-be alright."

The sudden sounds of footsteps approaching the door draws my attention, fear striking my heart like a dagger. I quickly stuff my clothes back into the pile and scramble my way back towards the window. I have no where to hide the vision other than... my undergarments. I couldn't possibly do that to this precious gift.

The sound of the doorknob turning sends warning signals down my spine and the tip of every nerve. With no other place to hide it, I put it against my pelvis, hoping that it won't show through the loose fitted nightgown. I quickly straighten out my dress and turn my head back to the door to see Diluc peeking inside.

Diluc's red eyes are soft, sad almost, as he gazes at me. He finishes entering the room and closes the door behind him.

"My love, why are you still on the floor?"

I shy away, remembering the words told to me. I must play the part of a fool, only then can I escape. I must act shy. I must act meek. I must act stupid. But I have to remember, I am far greater than what even I think of myself.

"I-..." I stammer, "I'm sad..."

Alarm covers Diluc's expression in an instant, rushing over to me to encase me in his toned arms. He holds me close, brushing his fingers through the knots of my hair.

"Oh, my love... Why are you sad?"


"I-I d-don't kn-ow... I j-just feel... feel sad..."

Diluc lets out a saddened sigh escape his nose before pressing kisses against my cheek. His hands are hot, boiling even, hot enough to melt my skin off.

"Don't worry, my love, I'll find a way to make you happy."

No you won't

"Th-Thank you, Di-Diluc..." I stumble, having to bite my tongue to prevent myself from speaking any harsh words that would shatter this thinly veiled illusion. "I-I... I love you..."

A bitter taste lines my tongue at those words, words that have no truth behind them. But if this bitter cyanide helps me escape, I will drink the rest.

"Really?!" he says, twinkling light filling the hollowness in his eyes.

"Y-Yes..." If there is one thing that my stutter helps with, it's hiding stuttered lies.

Tears fill his eyes and a happy gasp of air fills his lungs. A smile cover his face, one so genuine and expressive. He then engulfs me in a tight embrace, one tight enough to crush every wisp of air our of my lungs. Diluc snuggles his face into my neck, pressing tearful kisses against my skin.

"You don't know just how happy this makes me. I love you so much. I love you. I love you! We're going to be so happy together, I promise!"

I can never be happy with you

Carefully, I wrap my arms around Diluc's broad shoulders, holding him closer to me, pressing my chest firm against his. I press my face into his neck, feeling his unruly curls covering my vision. With poison lining my lips, I press hateful kisses against his cheek as a sign of reciprocated affection, one that's nothing more than falsehood.


"Yes, my love?!" he asks excitedly.

"Do you promise to take good care of me?"

His eyes widen with love and admiration.

"Of course! I've told you, I'd do anything and everything for you, and only you!"

I press a smile on my lips, one that hurts my cheeks, one that hurts to wear, one that hurts as I force the stitching to stay in place.

"I-I'm g-glad... But... I wa-want to tell you som-something... Wi-Will you lis-sten?"


"I think... think-th-think I understand wh-why you did-di-did what you di-did-d... With Master-Mas-Master Jean..."

His expression grows shocked.

"You... You finally understand?!"


"I think so... You lo-love me enough th-that you want-ted to prote-tect me from any ha-ha-rm... Incl-cluding you. Right?"

"Yes! But not just that... You are so innocent and wonderful, a perfect human being... I couldn't just be so selfish to steal the purity of my goddess."


"Of course," he says with a slightly unhinged expression, "You are my everything. I can't live without you! Without you, there is no point in living, in even existing! Without you, the world is dark. You are my saviour. You are my light. You are my wife."

The taste of bitterness lines the back of my throat once again. How can one man be so deranged, so deluded that he thinks like that? One can only question.

"I am y-our wife... and you... are m-my-my husb-band-and... r-right?"

Tears spill from the sides of his eyes, a wobbly smile and a ragged breath escapes his usually stoic face.

"Yes, YES!"

In one swift motion, Diluc cradles me in his arms, rocking me back and forth.

"I'm so happy... You finally understand. We can finally be happy...!"

I will be happy the day you're dead

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