Twenty Seven

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Mature Themes
Not Intended for Younger Audiences

No matter how much he tried to get me to eat, I couldn't stomach anything. I could barely hold down a glass of water, I even spit up the final sip. My stomach is so knotted that I don't think I'll be able to digest anything.

My stomach claws and screams at me, wanting to be fed, but unable to hold anything in its sack of acid. It hungers and craves nutrients.

Biting my lips, I can taste the metallic tang of blood. The only thing bringing any flavour to my dry mouth. Chapped lips are bit off, swallowed with every gulp of blood.

Everything hurts so much. I can't do anything. I can't ease the pain. The agony only grows within my body, crawling along my abdomen and up my spine. I can't help but curl into a tight ball of writhing pain.

"It hurts."

The only thought that floods my mind. The same two words repeating like the broken record I am. I just want any other thought, but no. All I can think about is how much everything hurts.

"It hurts."

"It hurts."

"It hurts."






"Help me."

I find myself finally opening my eyes. I stare up to see Diluc looking worriedly at me. His hands clasped around my shoulders, eyes dilated to a fraction of their normal size.

"(Y/n)?! Are you alright?! You just suddenly collapsed!"

I open my mouth to speak, but something deep in my mind tells me not to speak a word. Slowly, I close my mouth and look away from his piercing gaze.

"(Y/n)?! (Y/n)! Talk to me!" Diluc asks worriedly.

I can't meet his gaze. I just shake my head, turning the rest of my body away from his. Diluc, not wanting to I assume, gently lets go of my shoulder and takes a step back.

"Are... you at least alright?"

I just nod my head once and stare at the dark table in front of me. I'm still here, sitting at the dining table which sits in the middle of the main manor. I'm still here, in the manor in the middle of a vineyard. I'm still here, in a vineyard in the middle of the Ragnvindr estate. I'm still here, trapped in the Ragnvindr estate with no way of escaping. My only hope is Diluc... How ironic.

Silence is the loudest song... Oh how I wish it wasn't as loud as this. It's so suffocating, I can barely breathe.

"Help me."

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