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Mature Themes
Not Intended for Younger Audiences

The air around us begins to warm as the bright sun begins to raise itself into the heavens. Each shining sunbeam kisses my skin and leaves a tingling feeling of warmth. I squeeze Noelle's hand firmly, letting her know I'm still here, even if not in mind.

In the corner of my eye, I notice Noelle turn to look at me before smiling lightly, a soft blush still on her pale face. She then squeezes my hand in return, a sign of mutual acknowledgment to one another. I return with a soft smile.

As we walk down the dirt path, the sound of loud zapping reaches my ears. I turn quickly and notice a few electro-infused slimes. My heart pounds loudly, blood pumping in my ears when Noelle gently pushes me behind her. She readies her claymore above her head before giving a large swing.

A burst of colour flashes before my eyes, strands of electricity sparking away as the slimes bounce once and collapse into nothingness. I step a bit closer to see piles of slimy substance left in their places.

My attention quickly turns back to Noelle who just gives a satisfied hmm. My mouth hangs open at the amount of strength this pretty girl has. Far more than I have or will ever have. I'm just a pathetic waste of space.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)?! (Y/n), can you hear me?!" Noelle's panicked voice breaches my train of thought.

I shake my head a bit before refocusing back on her.

"H-Huh, what?"

"Are you alright? Y-You were spacing out and I was worried that the slimes got to you. Y-You're alright, right?!"

I just stare, the shock still in my system.

"Y-Y-Yeah. I'm alr-alr- I'm alright! Just surprised at your strength."

She blushes and gives a curtsy.

"I train really hard to become a knight after all. One hundred squats, sit-up, and push-ups everyday." She gives a proud smile.

I just nervously chuckle, unsure of how to take in this information given to me.

"Anyway, shall we continue to Master- the Dawn Winery now?"

I lower my head and heave a sigh. With a deep breath, I nod my head.


Reborn from Ash | Genshin Impact Fanfiction | Diluc Ragnvindr | HiatusOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant