Forty Three

794 26 6

Mature Themes
Not Intended for Younger Audiences

Trigger Warning:
Mentions of Suicide

The wind, a representation of freedom, mocks me. It flutters through the window, shaking the silk curtains, and fills my dying lungs - and it mocks me. The thing I love the most with all my being as a follower of Barbatos... mocks me. Is this the Archon's way of telling me he doesn't care about me any longer? How cruel.

My fist clenches around my utensils, feeling them heat up with my rage.

How could my brother do this to me? Leave me here, abandoned and captured my a maniac who claims to love me. What kind of god is he?

An unreliable one

I love him with my whole being, praising him daily, being a devoted follower - and he still lets me be stuck here. It's his fault. It's his fault. It's his fault. He let himself get carried away with is addiction and betrayed me. It's all his fault.

How I wish I could kill a god

"(Y/n)?" Diluc says in a soft tone, "Are you alright? You're shaking."

I snap my attention back to the man who is holding me captive. What a horrible man, but at least he's not that bard, someone who sells out someone for a bottle of vice.

It was an accident, a little voice says in my head, he didn't mean to! Have faith in your Archon.

I shake my head a bit, trying to get my childish thoughts out of my head. I look sadly at Diluc, his image imprinting itself into my brain.


A panic stricken expression engulfs the man's body as he quickly raises from his seat and kneels next to me.

"What's wrong? Is there anything I can do?!" he says, almost like a loving father worrying over his depressed daughter. How I wish I had a father like that.

I turn my head away, resting it on the table.


"Love," he pleads, "please tell me what's wrong! Tell your husband what's making you sad. I want to do anything and everything to make you happy."

Kill yourself

"I'm just tired."

A perfect lie.

"No, no you're not. My love, please, tell me what's bothering you. Won't you be a good girl for me?" he asks, bringing a warm hand to my head, stroking his fingers through my hair.

Do I tell him? Do I tell him about Venti? Should I express how I'm feeling about him?

No. That's a terrible idea. This feeling of resentment is only temporary, it will dissipate soon enough. If I tell him, he might do something I'll regret.

I have to be better than him. I won't sell him out, no matter how much liquid happiness he gives me. Diluc is the bad guy. Diluc is the bad guy. Diluc is the bad guy.

And I'm the hero

I have to be my own hero. I can't just rely on others all the time, no matter how easy and tantalizing that might sound. I can't be the cowardice person I always am. I have to gain a spine so I can stand up on my own.

I am a hero, the hero of my own tragedy

Ashley, writings not that hard. Just write you dumb fuck. Stop being lazy and stupid. Stop being a horrible person. Stop being you.

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