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Mature Themes
Not Intended for Younger Audiences

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Everything in the manour is quiet. The only sound is the one of a ticking clock, time slipping away as sand through the hourglass. My eyes look at the clock, watching as my life slowly dwindles away with every movement that damned second takes. The irritating sound, drilling its way into your head.

Time never ceases

And neither does age

And neither does death

Diluc guides me up the stairs, a strain in his hands. His fingers feel stiff, as though dead and plagued with rigor mortis. They touch my side, though stalky like branches from long, dead trees. His hands are strained, wanting to touch me gently, but cannot.

Once up the stairs, Diluc pushes open a door that leads to a very cozy, quiet room. Another clock ticking away. Comfortable chairs line the walls, a wooden desk with several papers and pots filled with ink and quills. The windows are dark with curtains blocking the early sunlight.

Diluc's strong arms push me forward, towards a seat the sits perfectly in front of his desk. I gulp down my worry and take a seat. Diluc follows the same action, going behind his desk and sitting. He interlaces his finger with one another, elbows on the desk's top.

Silence hangs between us. Nothing but the sound of the ticking clock, wasting away our lives with its meaningless noise. So quiet. So still. It's almost as though life has devoided itself from this room, from this home.

"Do you know why you're here?" Diluc finally asks.

I can't look him in the eyes. My hands fiddles with each other's fingers, picking at the loose skin that hangs next to the chipped, peeling nails. I swallow the building worry that swells itself in the back of my tongue.


His tone is solid, fierce. I can feel the depleting patience coming off his body. Every sound of the ticking clock loses more and more from his calm mind.


I swallow my lie, tasting the bitterness against my tongue.

"Do you have any ideas as to why I asked you here?"


"What are those ideas?"







"I don't know."

"You don't know? But you said you had an idea as to why I summoned you here. Are you lying to me, my dear?"






"(Y/n). Answer me."

Tears well up in my eyes, the stinging blood once again piercing the back of my eyes.

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