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Mature Themes
Not Intended for Younger Audiences

(Note: Stutter like this: S-S-S-Stutter means hard stops
Stutters like this: S-tutter means a long held out note)

"Why would I hurt you? I love you."

"L-Lies... You're h-urting me right now a-and h-h-had an a-ffair with the acting g-grand master!"

"I told you already, I don't care for her. I was just using her as an... outlet. I don't love her, and I never will. But I do love you."

I swallow my fat tongue, feeling the thick liquid clump and choke down my already closed throat. I shake my head and try to turn away from him.

"Liar!" I whisper with an aggressive tone.

"No. I'm not a liar. I don't love her. I have only loved you. I have loved you since we were children."

"That's not w-hat L-ady L-awrence said."

Diluc's body goes into a ridged state, almost statue like.

"Lady... Lawrence? Lady... Eula? What did she say, exactly?"

I swallow again, regaining the feeling of something hard in the deep end of my throat. I want to cough and throw up at this feeling.

"Tell me what she said, (Y/n)."

"L-ady L-awrence s-said that you-u h-ated me, that y-ou never wanted to m-arry me when you found out a-bout us," I say, controlling my stutter as best I can.

Diluc goes quiet, a dark sense going over him. I can just feel the malice that clings to his body like a liquid tar. The sound of a distant grandfather clock ticking away goes off, causing me to jump at the sudden bell.

"It's eleven in the morning... You should be out of bed and ready for a bath and meal. Please wait here."

Diluc raises from his spot, his knees popping. He turns around, heading towards the bedroom door, twisting the knob to leave.


Diluc freezes in place. He slowly looks over his shoulder at me, a faint sense of excitement in his ruby eyes.

"Yes, my love?"

"W-Where are you going?"

"I won't be gone for long."

"That doesn't answer-"

He opens the door and closes it behind him. I bet he didn't even bother locking it as I'm constrained to the bed.

"My question..."

Please remember to not ask me to update. If you do, you get nothing or you get very short chapters. It also causes me to lose motivation towards a story. I do these out of the kindness and entertainment of my heart. Being forced to do something just loses its sparkle. I do this because I choose to. You have absolutely NO RIGHT to tell me what I should do and at what time. You have no obligation to ask of something I'm giving out for free. You're asking for a 5 star meal from a soup kitchen. Please remember this the next time you read someone's book.

Also, please remember to vote. It's really bothersome when people just spam comments and not leave a vote. When you do that, I don't even bother reading your comments. I'm the type of person who checks and reads EVERY SINGLE ONE, but just spamming makes me lose interest in yours and so I won't.

Sorry for the rant.

Mother loves you


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