The morning

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Kenmas Pov

I woke up to y/n on facetime. She had obviously rolled around in her sleep, her arms around a teddy and the covers around her like a caterpillar. She looked so calm in her sleep...

I smiled and reached for my phone ending the facetime. If I took her around the house with me I might wake her up. I will miss her face but at least she's sleeping well...

My washing basket was full to the brim. As I was doing my washing I had been thinking, should I just tell Kuroo? He'd probably get angrier the longer we delayed telling him and y/n won't tell him on her own.

Regular Pov

You opened your eyes slowly rubbing them, your phone screen was off and your light was turned on. Slowly sitting up and rubbing your eyes you turned to the door.

Kuroo was stud flicking the lights on and off to wake you up. You frowned and closed your eyes still sitting up, half asleep. Kuroo walked over to you and sat on your bed "Something to tell me, missy?" Rolling around and flopping you face into your bed "I'm hungry? or I'm still tired?" you mumbled into the covers. He chuckled at your morning enthusiasm and shuck his head "Nope"

He looked down to you and lifted your head from your sheats "You're dating Kenmaa" He teased in a singing and half cheerful voice. Your eyes widened and cheeks flushed a little "How-" Kuroo laughed loudly "I came to check on you last night after..well dinner and noticed you asleep on facetime." You looked away from Kuroo "He also told me this morning" You jumped in surprise and frowned "Go away!" you shout trying to push him off your bed.

Kuroo stud up from your bed smiling and walked to the door "Want me to make you breakfast?" you nod "Wait!" you shout to Kuroo before he leaves, he turns around with a raised eyebrow. "Are you ok with us dating...?" Kuroo laughs at you "Obviously. I'm glad your both happy" He smiled and walks out.

I'm sorry this is really short T-T

If you want any other stories on any characters feel free to suggest because I can't think of anyone D:

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