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Perched on top of a building, Ricky called Aunt May tapping his fingers against his phone as the phone continued to ring but there was no answer. He had become worried, going back and forth from calling Michelle and May to know that they had made it safe to her old apartment. Thinking of changing route to see if the girls had made it there, May finally picked up the phone. "Ricky-"

"Aunt May, are you guys okay?" Ricky interrupted her. "I said to call as soon as you made it to Michelle's place and it's been twenty minutes since you guys left, I was worried as hell."

"We're fine, honey. Michelle had actually forgotten her keys back at our house so we had to make a quick stop at her mother's house. You remember Carolina, right? She was asking about you and I had completely forgotten and almost let it slip that you were Webhead--"

"Aunt May, I-"

"Don't worry! If I was able to keep Peter's a secret, I can assure you that I can keep yours a secret. What, do you not trust your old Aunt May?"

Ricky sighed. "May, you know you're one of the few I trust. I just wanted to call to know how you both were. I love you, okay?"

"I love you." May was now in tears. "I know you can protect yourself against him and we need you here with us."

Ricky nodded, trying to keep from crying. "It's what I've been training for, right? Peter didn't do all of this for nothing. We all know that. Can you please pass me to M really quick?"

May sniffled, walking back to the living room until she found Michelle. Ricky muttered a quick 'I love you' to May before Michelle answered the phone. "Ricky, hey."

Ricky looked out into the city as he was trying to prepare to what he was going to say to her. "Michelle, I need you to listen—I don't know exactly how it's going to go down tonight but just incase anything happens...I want you and May to get out of New York as soon as possible."

"Are you insane? We're not going anywhere! We're staying right here until you come back to us."

"Michelle, he was actually after me this whole time," Ricky interrupted. "He was going to kill me that night and Peter got in his way. I won't be surprised if he did it tonight and I don't want you and May to suffer anymore. Get away from this place while you can."

Ricky had to end the call abruptly just as he was about to say goodbye, he heard the sound of a glider behind him. He whipped around, seeing Roman staring down at him. "You were too much of a coward, you just had to run away, huh?"

He looked away, not bearing to look at him and even after his sudden transformation to the Green Goblin. Roman showed no emotion before speaking up. "I never wanted you to find out–"

"Why? Just so you could continue see how miserable I was after Peter's death? It makes me fucking sick to even think that my brother's killer was my own bestfriend! You went to his funeral, you comforted me, you even said your condolences to May and Michelle–"

"Well, now you know what it's like to lose a brother," Roman clenched his jaw as he narrowed his eyes. "Even when that night my target was you. It wasn't even supposed to be him, it was supposed to be you!"

𝐖𝐄𝐁𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃, PETER PARKER ¹Where stories live. Discover now