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Peter's funeral was two days after Ricky had finally been released from the hospital. Reporters had surrounded the place, wanting to speak with Spider-Man's family. With both Aunt May and Michelle not wanting to, the three of them kept hidden and away from cameras for the time being.

The funeral had only been for close family and friends, all of them not wanting people to interrupt their mourning-but that wasn't exactly going as planned. One of the security guards Tony had hired to keep everyone out of the service hurried up to where Aunt May was sitting with Ricky and Michelle beside her. "Mrs. Parker, it's hectic out there-I don't know how we're going to keep everyone out of the building."

Ricky turned to look at everyone who was waiting outside, their faces red from crying while each trying to catch a glimpse from the inside. He leaned over before May had the chance to answer. "Aunt May, why don't we just take the service outside? I mean, if you're comfortable with it, but I think we owe it to everyone who loved Spider-Man."

"What?" Aunt May whispered, her eyes wandering over to meet Michelle's. "I don't know if that's a good idea, I don't want anything bad to happen-Michelle, Peter was your husband, it's only right that you have your say in what we should do."

Michelle wiped her nose with the tissue, nodding her head before she put a hand on Ricky's shoulder. "I completely agree with Ricky. Peter wasn't just ours-he was theirs too. They deserve to say goodbye."

Aunt May sadly nodded, turning her attention towards the guard again. "The service will be done outside but still keep reporters and fans away from everyone, especially my nephew and niece-in-law. I'll let everyone here know what's going on."

Ricky and Michelle both stood up, Ricky waiting for her to hold on to him before they walked together down the aisle and towards the double doors, immediately being bombarded with reporters shoving cameras and microphones or any type of audio players in their faces.




Ricky made sure to grab one of the cameras that were very close to Michelle while she tried her best to hide her face, smashing it on the ground. "Have some respect, asshole."

He hurried them over to the lawn, Ricky turning to look at Michelle worryingly. "Michelle, are you okay? I'm sorry that you had to go through all that, I knew we should've went out through the back.."

Michelle waved her hand. "I'm fine, don't worry. The reporters are so rude to shove everything at us, like what the hell? But thank you for smashing his camera, it's what he deserved."

Ricky shrugged. "I wasn't going to let them do that to you while I was around. You ready to meet up with Aunt May?"

They both walked towards May, who was now joined with Happy, Tony, and Pepper. Ricky comforted May as soon as they arrived with the casket, everyone being completely silent with only some muffled sobs.

Ricky seemed to be the only one who couldn't bare to see the casket being set down in front of everyone. This all just didn't seem real to him yet. He looked around to his friends-Ned, his bestfriend since grade school, the second person he's told his identity to, his "guy in the chair"; Betty, the one who introduced him to his future wife, who he learned to see as a friend after being with Ned, and who she said would become the future godmother to his children, who had no idea he was Spider-Man; even Flash, Spider-Man's biggest fan and leader of his fanclub and was Peter Parker's bully all of middle and high school came to pay their respects and mourn for their friend.

Everyone who was close to Peter gave their speeches that included happy moments for people to smile while also getting emotional again. Michelle had stepped up, thanking everyone for coming to the funeral, reminiscing on hers and Peter's love life and everything they had planned out for the future.

Ricky prepared himself to speak next, taking a glance over at Aunt May and Michelle. "Thank you all for coming," He said into the mic, his voice coming out shaky. "Peter was not only my brother. He was a nephew, a husband, a friend, and everyone's favorite superhero. But even though he fought crime, that didn't stop him from spending time with his loved ones. He always made sure to get everything on the shopping list so Aunt May wouldn't yell at him again. He made sure to spend time playing legos or video games with his bestfriend, Ned. He made sure to spend time with his beautiful wife, Michelle, that I had the honor to watch their love grow since they were young. He made sure to spend time with his little brother...no matter how annoyed he was with him." He choked out. "We had fights like every siblings do. We'd go days without speaking to each other but he always managed to say that he loved me. He was always there. I was only a baby when our parents died...and I never got to have any memories like Peter did with them, him and my Aunt May each gave me love." With tears streaming down his face, he turned to look at Peter's casket. "I never had a Dad, but I always had you. Thank you for being the best person you could possibly be. I'll miss and love you forever."


if you thought this was going
to be a happy fic, i'm going to have to ask you to stop reading cause things will get even SADDER 😳

𝐖𝐄𝐁𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃, PETER PARKER ¹Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora