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A new Spider-Man? It was the only thing New York has been talking about.  Some liked the idea of having someone around to protect them while others thought it was plain disrespectful. There would be no other Spider-Man, they would say. But no one was as pissed as Michelle and Aunt May.

"I don't like this idea, I don't." Aunt May said, pressing the off button on the remote as she threw the remote on the couch beside Ricky.

"What makes this person think that they can wear a Spider-Man suit from a thrift store and just call themselves Spider-Man? They're freaking ridiculous." Michelle scoffed.

Ricky leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees. "I heard they don't call him Spider-Man, but Webhead. I don't see what's the problem, there's someone out there protecting us! We all know the cops won't do shit."

Aunt May shook her head, crossing her arms. "I don't like the fact that there's someone impersonating Peter. As much as I didn't like that Peter was Spider-Man, he was Spider-Man. I appreciate whoever is under the suit for saving countless lives but not like this."

"Give him a break, he's doing a hell of a good job." Ricky eyed them both. They both didn't say anything to him as they went their separate ways leaving him alone in the living room.

He heard the doorbell ring, groaning as he went to open it immediately having a piece of paper shoved in his face. "Have you seen this boy?! He's about 5'9, weighs 140 pounds and responds to the name Richard Jr. or Ricky!"

Ricky laughed, immediately grabbing Roman's wrist and yanking the paper from his hands. "You guys really made a missing person poster? Why the hell would you do that for?"

"Oh, I don't know," Natalia shrugged, her hands shoved in her jacket pockets. "Maybe it's because we haven't hung out with our friend in so long. We don't see you in school because you're still suspended and you can't even go out with us after school."

Ricky turned back to make sure May or Michelle weren't around before welcoming them inside. "I go back to school Monday, just in time for the last two months of school."

Thanks to Principal Newman, during his suspension he was able to do online school so he would be able to catch up with the rest of his class. Even though it was best for Ricky to not go to school to avoid the constant stares–he wanted to spend his last months in school with his bestfriends.

"Good, because you just can't miss prom." Roman dropped down onto the couch. "Giselle has been asking non-stop about you. You're not going to stand her up, are you?"

Ricky chuckled as Roman winked. "Isn't it girls ask guys to prom this year? If she wanted she would've asked, but she hasn't and it doesn't really matter because I have both of you."

Natalia and Roman quietly exchanged glances, but Ricky immediately noticed. "Luci already asked me and Roman already got asked out." Natalia said.

"Ricky, would you—" They all heard Michelle come from down the hall but stopped in her tracks, surprised to see his friends in the living room. "Oh, nevermind." She turned to return back into her old room until Ricky called out to her.

"It's fine Michelle, what did you need?" Ricky stood up to pull her back.

She gave him a tight smile, getting closer to him to whisper. "If I had known you had company, I would've stayed in the room. I just wanted to know if you could please make May and I your "special" fruit smoothie?"

He quickly looked over to Natalia and Roman who overheard and were waiting for Ricky to continue. "Can you ladies wait until later? I can't have anyone knowing what I put in it."

Michelle wrinkled her nose. "All these years I've been too afraid to ask what you put in it but whatever, it's still good. You wouldn't poison me, would you?"

"You? Never."

"Good." She grinned at him. "You're very much welcome to join us afterwards, okay? Oh–and hello Natalia, I'm sorry for interrupting but it's really great to see you."

Roman waved at her. "It's always good to see you, Mrs. Parker."

Michelle pursed her lips, ignoring him before hurrying down the hall.

Ricky noticed him shove his hand back into his pocket, embarrassed that she hadn't said anything to him.

"Now we know which friend she likes more...yours truly." Natalia winked at Roman who simply rolled his eyes. "By the way, what's so special about your fruit smoothie? I'm curious."

Ricky shook his head. "I came up with it three years ago when I was bored. There's a secret ingredient I put in there but I would never tell anyone. Michelle, Aunt May, not even Peter knew what I put in there—but they enjoyed it so I continued."

Natalia was about to speak until she was interrupted by a police scanner that had fallen out of Ricky's pocket and under the couch. He felt their eyes on him as he immediately turned it off and put it behind his back. "My bad."

"Was that a police scanner?"

"Yeah...it was Peter's."

Roman raised an eyebrow. "And...you just have it on you all the time?"

"Yeah, it's actually pretty cool." Ricky squinted at him. "Why? Do you have a problem with it?"

Roman took a quick glance at Natalia who was waiting for an answer as well. "Nah. No, I don't."



fun fact: i had already thought of ricky's name to actually be ZACH but quickly changed it because i liked the idea of him having the same name as his dad (:

most of you probably wouldn't care but i just wanted to share that lmao!

thank you so much for reading<33

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