STH Academy's Quiz

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This quiz is used to determine what house you would belong in if you were in STH Academy (don't worry, this quiz does not really determine your interests or even what house you would be in. More on that later). How houses work are that you are separated into different colored dorms based on your interests and personality. Let's begin.

1. You see a hundred dollars lying on the ground. You look around to see if anyone has lost money. You don't see anyone. What do you do?

a. Find the person as fast as possible.

b. Spend it on yourself and buy a new jacket (or gun).

c. Save it for college.

d. keep it for yourself

e. buy food.

2. What creature of the night are you preferrable to?

a. werewolves

b. vampires

c. zombies

d. wendigoes

e. pharohs

3. What is your preferred pastime?

a. jogging around

b. hanging out at the shooting range with your buddy

c. meditating

d. searching for treasure

e. riding around on your motorcycle

4. Favorite food?

a. chili dogs

b. I don't really have a favorite...

c. fireball candy

d. ring pops

e. alcohol filled candy

5. Who would you rather spend time with?

a. your pals

b. I'm kind of a loner...

c. my lady friend

d. my idjit pal... he kind of hibernates...

e. I don't need friends. I need lackeys!

Okay... now here are the results...

If your answers consisted of mostly A's, you are in the Sonic House! Sweet! You are kind hearted underneath a tough guy/gal attitude. You also don't really take any prisoners. You are a cinnamon roll for the most part... until someone hurts someone you care about. Then you become scary. You are by far the most popular house there is. You are most likely into comedies such as Scrubs, Cheers or even Jerry Steinfeld, and you find yourself often looking for either adventure or trouble with Headmaster Sonic.

If your answers consisted of mostly B's, then you are placed in the Shadow House. Hmph, this school is run by fakers. You are a mystery, and chances are high that you are probably thinking about joining the military or law enforcement. You are kind... once people get to know you. But for the most part, you are seen as the edgy person on campus. You got a lot of fury packed into a little package. You are most likely the kind of person who likes cop shows such as Bones, NCIS or JAG, and you are constantly finding yourself on the Headmaster's bad side.

You are in the Silver House if your answers consisted of mostly C's. It's no use... you are probably the least popular house due to an incident that happened long before you have even heard of Headmaster Sonic. You are kind, sweet, sensitive, but also kind of naive. You probably hang out with a girl/guy who sees you as who you are. You are most likely the type who watches musicals such as Frozen, Hamilton, or even Random Encounters on Youtube. You constantly find yourself biting back the words "Iblis Trigger" whenever Headmaster Sonic walks by.

If your answers consist of mostly D's, then you are in the Rouge House. Wait... is that a jewel-encrusted phone cover? You most likely find yourself stashing "treasures" in your pocket (spare change, erasers, the odd piece of jewelry, etc.) and you find yourself to be Madam or Monsieur Confident. You are clever, seductive, and most likely finding that Knuckles House kid attractive because of his muscles or his cool diamond-studded necklace. You find yourself constantly being lectured by Headmaster Sonic about academic integrity... or about the fact that you couldn't resist trying to get a good look at the Chaos emeralds again. You are most likely the type who watches sad, sappy, romance movies like Breakfast at Tiffany's, Holiday in Rome, or any film starring Audrey Hepburn. You find yourself constantly torn between the hot Knuckles kid or the sweet yet guarded Shadow kid. On occasion, you find a guy/gal staring at you.

If your answers are mostly E's, then you are in the Scourge House. All it takes is one bad day... you probably have a large ego with an attitude problem to boot... or you have a sad history that involves abusive/negligent parents. You know full well that the Scourge House is one step before going to juvinile prison. You probably wonder why you are in detention this time (maybe it was from blowing up the chemistry lab on Professor Omega, or reprogramming Professor Tails' computer to blow up in a mushroom cloud, or probably giggling immaturely during Headmaster Sonic's lessons on the human body?), but whatever the case, you find yourself on the short end of Headmaster Sonic's patience... or lack thereof. You most likely watch shows such as Breaking Bad, Orange is the New Black, and Cobra Kai.

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