The Monster Under My Bed

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After coming home from yet another long and exhausting appointment with Dr. Weahagu, Mommy decided that it was bedtime for me. I yawned, despite my protests that I wasn't even that tired. I found myself in my pajamas and clean minutes later. Mommy lifted me and tucked me in. "Good night, sweetie." She whispered as she grabbed my little stuffed Hello Kitty from the usual place.

"Good night, Mommy." I replied sleepily.

After two hours of sleep, I find myself having a nightmare. I dreamed that my parents were killed by robots and a man in red wanted to make me his slave. I screamed at the man, "I WILL NEVER WORK FOR YOU!" He just chuckled, then he scratched something on my face. I glanced at myself to see my legs turn blue...

I sat up in my bed, my heart pounding rapidly. It seems as though the shadows are the evil man making fun of my innocent frame. I tried to call out for help, but my voice wouldn't work. I whimpered as a clawed hand grabbed my little hand. I tried to scream, but then I hear a voice growl softly at me, "Shhh... It's just a friendly werehog under your bed, little girl."

I froze as the creature pulled itself out from under my bed. I froze. The figure is vaguely Sonic-shaped, with tufted ears, dark blue fur, frosted quill tips, white wrists, and a pale blue muzzle that has fangs. I heard of werewolves, but this seems like someone decided to mash Sonic the Hedgehog with a werewolf. His emerald green eyes were fixed on my face. I whimpered, "Don't eat me!" I was also having nightmares about Sonic eating my face as well.

The creature froze, then he purred, "Eat you!? Why would I eat a nice little girl like you?" His giant hand cupped my chin, his sharp nails just inches away. "I don't eat little girls. They're too sweet. I have a little girl of my own, a daughter your age." He rasped sweetly in my ear.

I tried to scream for help, but the creature pulled me into his fluffy chest and muffled my voice. He muffled my scream, stroking my back. He rumbled, "So why are you scared? I'm your friend, Alison." His words sounded like he knew me. I froze as he said my name. How did this creature know my name? I wondered. The beast coaxed, "I am listening, dear."

I finally told him about my nightmare. He was a surprisingly good listener, nodding as I went into detail. I finally told him that I was too scared to call out for help. He cradled me against his chest, his large arms wrapped tightly around me, my Hello Kitty doll and my Huggy doll. He rumbled, "So that's why you didn't call for your parents. Want me to sing you to sleep?" I nodded, scared. So he sang softly,

He sang so quietly in French that I nodded off. I yawned when he sang, and I buried my face in his fur. It never occurred to me that it was Sonic. His voice sounded soft, deep and baritone as he rocked me. I don't know why, but I felt as if I could trust the animal.

I barely felt him place something on me, then he whispered, "Good night, dear. I have to go now." I was sleeping heavily at this point.

The next morning, I told my mom about the creature that was under my bed. She stared me in the eye and said, "Puddie. It is nothing more than a dream." I stared at her, stunned. My mommy doesn't believe me? I wondered, feeling crushed. I knew it was real.

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