Head canons

24 4 1

Airalain would smell what Ali was smelling and vice versa. Ali suspected that connection when she smelled something delicious in Headmaster Sonic's study (his study is the farthest away from the cafeteria). To test her theory, she had asked Sonic to hand her a sneaker. He obliged, only to see Ali smell it. She returned the sneaker to Sonic, stating after wrinkling her nose in disgust, "Father, you seriously need to invest your rings in fungicide." Since Sonic's sneaker smelled awful, Ali couldn't get the stench out of her nose. Later, she would hear Airalain complain about how her dorm smells like Sonic's sneaker.


Ali earned herself a nickname among the elites. She's called "Siren" because she would sit on the bottom of the stairs and sing in a haunting way since the stairs have good acoustics. She ended up scaring a few elites.


Believe it or not, the most common rule Ali is very guilty of breaking is the curfew rule. Sonic often catches her in the library, studying really hard to the point where she begins to nod off. One time, Ali accidentally fell asleep while studying. Sonic found her and carried her to bed (he is incredibly strong despite looking thin. A hundred pounds to him would only be a couple of grapes). Ali woke up the next morning and nearly had a panic attack. Another time, Sonic the Werehog found Ali asleep in the library. He ended up carrying her to her dorm, tucking her in and he ended up laying at her feet.


The Werehog Alpha has a fondness for Ali, even though he's too proud to admit it. He would often carry her around while he is issuing orders. Sometimes he'd be at his throne and he would have Ali snuggling into his fur.


Ali is very cuddly despite telling Sonic that she doesn't like being cuddled. But Sonic knows better: he is occasionally seen cuddling with Ali. Thankfully no humans see this in Ali's opinion.


The werehog that Ali encounters in Chapter 24 (Emma) has an odd ability: she dies all the time, literally.


Sonic has been known to step in when Ali starts getting a little bit rowdy. His mere presence is enough to get Ali to behave.


Ali can get quite hot tempered if someone was stupid enough to harass her within earshot of Sonic. Once, Sonic was teaching Algebra. Some jerk snapped on Ali's bra, causing her to swing at the boy who was doing it. Sonic interfered with a glare. Ali spat back, "Next time he snaps my bra, I will not hold back." And Ali is known for being true to her words, since the next snap resulted in Ali pinning that dude to the wall.

Airalain: Two pansexuals sitting in a tree. S-i-t-t-i-n-g.


Ali: Can you please get us down? Airalain and I have been stuck up here for the past two hours. Our asses are starting to get sore.


Jet was chasing after Ali who decided to run away again. It was a winter day shortly after she arrived. "Leave me alone, you feathered fuck!" Ali yelled, throwing a snowball at the green hawk. She got a little bit too familiar with Sonic's study after that.

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