Can't Breathe!

23 4 9

Warning: swearing, mentions of drugs and bullying imminent. Reader discretion is advised. This is also pre transformation.

The stink of cigarettes perfume the air. I tried to breathe, but Tina blew smoke in my face. My hair was beginning to feel dirty as she taunted, "You aren't so smoking hot now that you can't breathe, Alison! You can't make a retort if you can't breathe." I could barely breathe. I was coughing so hard that I was on the floor. I can't even muster the strength to call for help.

The last thing I saw was the ground rushing towards me. The last thing I heard was Sonic demanding something. I don't know what he said. I can't hear him. I croaked, "Help... Me... Dad..."


"Al, are you doing okay?" I hear a familiar voice ask. It was cheesy, rich, and full of some sort of worry. I tried to reply but my voice felt full of sand. I nod, coughing really hard. "Easy, Al. Just drink some tea." The voice coaxed.

I obey, drinking the liquid. Then I finally ask, my voice hoarse, "Are my glasses...?" I peek at my left, squinting at the blue splotch next to my bed. The splotch moved closer, revealing that it was Sonic. I flinch, but I noticed that his right hand is concealing something. "Father... What's in your hand?" I rasp, worried.

"Alison... There's no delicate way to put this." He opened his gloved palm to reveal some sort of item. I gingerly pluck the item from his hands and I examine them. It was my glasses, but both parts of my glasses have spiderweb fractures on the glass. The frames were broken neatly in two and the legs of the glasses were bent and twisted. "Ben broke them. I will be setting up an eye doctor appointment when you are feeling better." Sonic told me, his cheesy voice barely hiding his rage. I trembled at the sound of his voice. Then he asked, "What do I look like to you without your glasses?"

"You look like a blue smudge with a white spot." I reply. "I can't see any details."

There was silence for a good three minutes. Then Sonic asked, "Are you blind without your glasses?"

"Yes. Anything far away from me just looks like spots of color. So I wouldn't be able to see a tactical nuke coming until it was too late." I explained.

Sonic blurted, "I have never seen you without your glasses. You look like someone else entirely. You kind of look like your father." I stare, horrified. Do I really look like Sonic!? I never noticed. Sonic continued, correcting himself in a hasty manner, "I mean, you look like your birth father. But if you want to think you look like me, I'd be happy with it." I relaxed at this statement.

"I've had enough of that fucking bitch!" I exclaim, slamming my palms against the wall. "Glasses are expensive and I can't-!"

Sonic cut me off with a warning glare. "Al, have you forgotten that I adopted you?" Sonic asked, placing an oversized, gloved hand on my tiny hands.

"Uhhh..." I was caught off guard. I have forgotten that I was adopted.

"I will take care of it." Sonic told me. When I tried to argue, he added, "It is indeed part of my adopting you to take care of your essential needs. I may be a werehog but I'm definitely not a monster." He ruffled my hair and left, chuckling. I flinched at his words, shocked that Sonic would say something like that.

I stared at the door in shock. He must have read my diary again since I never called him that to his face. Damn it. I need to really hide it better so that he doesn't use it against me again. I reminded myself. As much as I fear and respect Sonic, the one habit he has that bothers me is the fact that he reads my diary a lot. So I took to hiding it from his nosy nature. At first, I tried hiding it under my pillow but he found it easy. Then it became more of a game to him and a pain in the ass for me. Maybe I should disguise my diary as something else?


When I got back to my dorm, I found it was trashed. My clothes were shredded, my computer was smashed and the mirror had a spiderweb fracture. Then I noticed the knife in the door with the note attached. I knew who it was without having to read the note. It was Tina... Again. This time, she took it up several notches and destroyed my room. My textbooks were shredded to nothing and I knew that I had to check on my diary. So I open the secret compartment in my desk. I was relieved to see that my diary and my treats were untouched. I open my diary to see everything is as I left it. Then I read the note on the door, and I froze. The note read, [Censor] yourself, you [censored] bitch! Nobody likes you! -Tina. PS: I gave you the perfect tool for the job.

I knew Sonic was going to be put in a bad mood. But I didn't care at this point. So I took pictures of the crime scene, including the note. I ran to Sonic's study. I was panting and wheezing by the time I arrived. "Father. We need to talk." I called out.

I hear a graveled voice reply, "Enter."

I steeled myself, and I obeyed (If Sonic tells you to do something, it's a smart idea to just listen. Just saying). I find Sonic as a werehog. It was nighttime when it happened. So I jumped right into what happened, deciding not to spare the details. I kept my eyes shut, scared of what I would see if I opened my eyes. I briefly open my eyes to show Sonic the evidence. I noticed that he was a werehog, but I ignored that detail.

"Alison. Thank you for telling me this but are you aware that you are breaking curfew?" Sonic asked, using his oversized hand to make me look at him.

"I'm aware of that. I'm also aware of the fact that I just can't let a death threat slide." I point out, pulling the death threat I took a picture of on my phone. He read it, then snarled. I felt something gigantic wrap itself around my waist. I felt something press on my head. I glance up to see Sonic cuddling me. He kept his hand on my head, pinning my ear against his chest. I'm going to be honest, Sonic has a pretty relaxing heartbeat even as a werehog. I snuggle in closer, closing my eyes. Even though Sonic scares the living shit out of me, this is honestly pretty nice. I thought, dozing off. I know what everyone is going to say, Ali! Cuddling with a werehog is insane! Get out of there! But don't ever tell Sonic that I'm actually very cuddly... When I want to be.

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