Algebra (Y/N x Alison Hedgehog)

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I knew my day was going to be really bad when I forgot to get my Algebra homework off of my desk in the Sonic House. I arrived just in time for Sonic to walk into class. "Hey, Headmaster." I grumbled, brushing a strand of (h/c) hair out of my eyes. I didn't expect Sonic to know my name.

"Hello, Y/N. Are you ready to learn about the quadratic equation?" Sonic pressed, his emerald green eyes laser focused on me.

I nod, dreading what would happen if I said no. Even though Sonic is a pretty chill hedgehog when he is not teaching a class, he is the kind of teacher who would vocalize his disappointment during class. Nothing will crush you faster than hearing Sonic the Hedgehog sigh and tell the whole class that he's displeased and disappointed in them. I enter the classroom and sat down. I start rummaging through my backpack, searching for my homework. Panic began to build up as I pulled out my binder to find that my homework notebook was not where it should be. "Sonic's going to kill me." I grumbled.

"Y/n, I don't kill people." I didn't expect Sonic to be behind me. I whip my head to Sonic and froze. Sonic was staring at me. I could feel humiliation build up in my chest. "So tell me. What's up?"

I didn't meet his eyes. I stared down and grumbled, "I forgot my homework." My face felt like it was on fire.

"Come to my study with your notebook after school and then go upstairs and find my daughter Alison. She can help you with anything you might struggle with." Sonic ordered, then everyone around me started taking their notebooks out and writing down what Sonic was saying. He began talking, "So, the quadratic formula is ax^2+bx+c. Always set it to zero. Now, how we usually solve it is by factoring, but that may not always..." I zoned out. I mean, I can't really take notes if my notebooks aren't with me.


I was humiliated. Even though math was my favorite subject, I couldn't answer anything. Since Algebra was my last class, I trudged to the Sonic House, feeling my face burn. I ran to my dorm and grabbed my stuff. Aura, my buddy, asked, "So, Y/N, heard that you forgot your homework. I was going to give it to you but Professor Silver's biology class was on the opposite side of STH Academy." They sound apologetic.

"Ehh. I'm just going to get this over with." I grumbled, grabbing my stuff and beginning to walk.

"Want me to come with you?"


Aura left it at that as I walked towards the main campus. My legs are starting to become gelatin as I got closer to his study. Everyone knows that being called to Sonic's study is the equivalent of Satan's lair. Nobody has gone in there because Sonic is pleased with them. Usually if Sonic takes you in there, it's generally to chew you out for something you've done. In my case, it was for something I haven't done... For the past four times. I knock, hearing Sonic encourage me to enter. I obey against my better judgement. Nobody in STH Academy is stupid enough to defy Sonic the Hedgehog, and for good reason.

I glance around. I've never been inside of Sonic's study, and I wondered why people are afraid. It was pretty homey, to put it lightly. The afternoon sun glowed through the window and the couch looks inviting. The mahogany table glowed and the bookshelf towered over me.

Sonic himself was standing next to an ebony desk, and his eyes are laser focused on me. I plopped my notebook onto my desk, my ears burning. He took one peek at it and exclaimed, "Wowza, you showed your work and I would give this 100. But Y/n, you really need to work on remembering to bring it in." He added, chuckling. I flinch, waiting for Sonic to give me an earful. "You do realize that this is the fourth time you forgot, right?" He asked, carefully turning my (e/c) eyes up at him. "I also noticed that you didn't take notes. Go see Ali. She's really good at Algebra. She might teach you a few of her tricks."

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