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This is post-transformation into a hedgehog.

Trigger warning: Feels, sad emotions, and very mild swearing. Reader discretion is advised. If you are sensitive and cry easily, do me a favor and just don't read this. I like you enough not to put you through that.

It's been two months since my escape from Playtime Company, and things were looking up! Huggy agreed to let me come and go on weekends, Sonic agreed to let me be with them (begrudgingly of course), and I'm the happiest hedgehog on this side of Green Hill Zone since Sonic agreed to let me go out on a date with Damien (As friends! I am in love with Charlie). My date is going to be in town, wandering about and seeing what there is to see. But I had one problem: I had a loose end that needed tying up.

I picked up my phone from the desk and sent Charlie this text: Hey, Charlie. It's been a while and I feel awful for not texting sooner.

No sooner did I send this message when I recieved a reply from Charlie. It read, Can I be honest with you? Please don't call me faker. I feel awful about this. I read this and I thought, Uh, oh. I had missed Charlie for a long time and texted him often enough. When we meet up, I am careful to go to places where I won't run the risk of exposing my true appearance to him. I narrowed my eyes. I had a feeling that what I was going to read next was going to hurt like a son of a bitch. I recieved the text, and it read as follows: I don't know how to say this, but here goes nothing. To be honest, I don't know why but I just don't feel the same way I used to feel for you. I feel like shit saying that but it's the God awful truth. I'm sorry but I think we should be on our own ways. 

I blinked in shock at what I read. It didn't feel like Charlie at all. It felt cruel, harsh, cold and cowardly. I texted, Oh fuck. Spew. I didn't know what prompted this to happen. This screamed, "Somebody else who hates my guts stole my lover's phone and texted me!" I didn't expect a response as awful at what happened next.

Please don't make this harder than it has to be for me. This definitely didn't sound like Charlie. He would never say this sort of thing to me.

I shot back, What are you trying to say to me? I'm confused.

Charlie's response stung worse than anything I had ever felt before. What do you think? I'm sorry.

I felt my heart being crushed into a million pieces. I bit back my angry tears and tried to wipe them away. Fucking asshole didn't even bother calling! I thought bitterly. Then I stared at myself hard in the mirror and laughed bitterly, "HA! I was a complete idiot to think that someone like me deserves love!" I glanced over and found the mirror Charlie gave me pre-transformation. I grabbed it with both hands and stared at my true face, the near perfect copy of Sonic the Hedgehog himself. I picked up my phone and called Damien. "Damien. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to cancel our hangout. Raincheck?" I managed to choke out.

Damien's honeyed voice purred back, "Sure." Then he asked, "What happened?"

My heart felt as if I was being shot as I tried to tell him, "Charlie... he..." I couldn't bear to say the words. Finally, the knot in my gut was too much to handle. I let tears slide, then I let out my heart broken sobs. "C-call y-you b-b-b-back!" I managed to say between broken sobs. I hanged up and dragged myself back to bed. Damn prick could not be bothered to call. He had to dump my autistic ass over a fucking text. You can't get any shallower or lazier than that. He couldn't even be bothered to call me, much less come to my face. I thought dejectedly, rolling over. I wailed into my pillow, sobbing.

I didn't hear Airalain or Sonic enter. I guess Airalain read my mind and got Sonic. I sobbed brokenly to myself, "Who would love a f-f-freak like me?" I hear something cough, so I peeked over. "D-dad? W-why...?" I tried to ask, but Sonic silenced me with a glance. It was not his you-fucked-up-and-you-are-now-paying-the-bill glance. It was sympathetic. Then I glanced over at Airalain, who was lifting my phone. I watched her face become darker as she read those texts. She gave my phone to Sonic and I stuttered, "N-no. It's f-f-fine. I've b-been an elite f-for a wh-while and he m-must h-have g-g-gave up."

Sonic's face was expressionless for a few seconds more. He finally gave me the phone back and he growled, "You and Charlie are going to talk in my study. We'll discuss a few things." When I tried to argue, Sonic snarled, "No buts. We're sorting this out."

Side note here, Sonic's basically the head honcho of the school. Don't let his sassy nature or his 90's attitude fool you. He's really good at letting you know when you screwed up.


After that meeting, I found myself getting dragged to a Chao garden by the arm. "Headmaster!" I tried to insist, but Sonic was not about to hear about what I had to say.

I spotted a familiar black and red back near one of the fountains. He brushed his hair aside and turned to me. He began, "Ali, I-!" but Sonic interrupted.

"Charlie! Hadn't nobody told you that breaking up with my daughter through text is no good!?" Sonic's voice was quiet, but it didn't make a difference if he yelled or not. "That just proves that all Shadow House students are fake."

Charlie raised his voice, "I still love her. Just not as a girlfriend anymore!" The whole place went silent. I flinched silently at the human's insolence. Nobody raises their voice at Sonic and expect him not to respond. He continued, "I see her as a sister I never had. The romance is gone, but I still care about her!"

Everyone was silent, even me. The silence felt deafening as we waited for a response from Sonic. Finally, he told Charlie, "I see now. But you could have told her what you have felt to her face instead of hiding behind a phone."

Charlie replied, "Father disabled my phone, making it near impossible to call her. He was mad at the fact that I was dating your daughter, sir." Then he turned towards me and asked, "Ali, do you forgive me?" I nodded, then I hugged my new spirit brother. Whoever said that family was limited to blood is a fucking liar.

Tales from STH Academy (A Wattpad Tale)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ