Cheater Cheater part 2

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Warning: This chapter contains mentions of gaslighting and two very angry "father figures". Reader discretion is advised. And Carson was originally a character in the very old spinoff that I never published that Ali was dating. This is not canon.

I knew something was wrong when I saw a giant shadow in my study. I hear something hooting and my quills bristle. I stand up and noticed that there was a tall, dark, angry looking shadow in one corner of my study. "Come out, Barnaby." I call, my cheesy voice calm.

The shadow stepped out, revealing a very tall and very angry ghost owl. "Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo! How did you know it was me!?" The shadow replied, his black feathers puffed out.

"Shadows generally don't hoot." I replied.

"I thought you would be terrified of me!" The ghost owl replied. Truth be told, I am not really afraid of eleven foot tall ghost owls. I have dealt with much worse ghosts in the past. I gaze up, my emerald green eyes trained on his swirling orange eyes. "This is not my first rodeo dealing with ghosts. Out with it." I replied, my tone crisp.

The ghost owl puffed his feathers up, trying to make himself terrifying. I was ready to spin dash. That was when he said something unexpected. "Have you talked with Alison recently? Or with her boyfriend?" He asked, hooting in irritation. His voice sounded pretty fruity.

"No, why?" I ask.

"Because our darling little Alison has caught him cheating on her. What's worse, she had a video of him actively talking about shacking up with some woman in Station Square! He even blames you for it!"

"Which one?" I ask. To be honest, Ali had a few boyfriends before. I thought long and hard. It wasn't Damien since she sees him as a brother. It's definitely not Charlie, since they broke up on good terms. "Oh, for the love of Chaos. Carson." I growl.

Then I noticed his knife. "Not on school grounds." I scold him. He quickly made it vanish with a flick of his wrist. I listen to the recordings Ali had, and I was mad. "That... That's just cruel! Nobody should ever hurt Ali like this!" I storm off, not realizing that the giant ghost owl took refuge in my shadow.

I storm up to Carson. He was busy flirting with someone who was definitely not my daughter. I was seeing crimson. I sit next to him, silently listening. He was flirting up a storm and then asked, "Can I date you? My girlfriend is clueless." I clear my throat loudly.

Carson jumped, his fat ass jiggling. "Did you just tell this girl that my daughter is clueless!?" I growl, seething mad. I stand, unaware of the size of my shadow... Or the shape. The other girl took one glance at me and darted away. "You're in hot water for thinking that my daughter is clueless." I growled, my ears twitching.

"Headmaster Sonic! I can explain-!" Carson started, but I silenced him with a gloved finger.

"I have heard enough. You never loved my daughter for who she is. You only love her for her body!" I scolded. "Your physical touch being your love language nonsense is over. You repeatedly violated the rule against public display of affection. You hurt her with trying to get another girlfriend behind her back." I seethed. Then I did something that I should have done. "I don't want to hear another excuse. You're going to spend a month serving my elites. This includes your ex girlfriend. Then, when you are done, you have to deal with someone else who is equally mad at you." I replied.

Carson turned his pudgy face to look behind me. "Headmaster... Your shadow! It's-!" He tried to stammer.

"Oh, this is Ali's... Um..." I turn to the ghost owl, who was in my shadow. I look at him and ask, "What do you classify yourself as, Barnaby? I don't remember what you see yourself as."

He hooted back, slinking out of my shadow and puffing himself to eleven feet tall, "Alison's other father at this point."

I glared. Carson wilted. I guess an angry nine foot tall hedgehog and an eleven foot tall ghost owl is intimidating enough. I turn around and notice that the ghost owl's bowtie is crooked. I briefly straightened it out, making sure the pink thing was looking presentable. "Carry on smartly, Barnaby." I addressed him.

"Gladly." The fruity male voice replied. I watch him kneel to Carson's level. "When Sonic is done with you, you're dealing with me next." He threatened, puffing his feathers and giggling. Barnaby added, "I will perform the deed- free of charge." He added, leaving through a black-and-purple portal.

I glare at Carson. He muttered, "I can't get a date anyway."

"The fact that you had the nerve to try is disgusting enough. It's still cheating. The intent was certainly there." I responded coldly. "And blaming me for trying to keep my daughters safe is outright disgusting. You tried to gaslight her into staying with you. You're pathetic." I spat. I turn my back and called over my shoulder, "Your punishment here starts now, and at the end, I will expel you for being in direct violation of Earth Title 9 and Green Hill Zone Title 9. What happens to you afterwards is no longer my concern." I was rightfully mad. "If you try to return, the Werehog will treat you like any other trespasser." I added, driving my point home.


A month later, Carson was removed from the premises of STH Academy. I don't know what happened to him afterwards.

No thanks whatsoever goes to my ex boyfriend for being a filthy cheater. Thank you to my friend for witnessing this. I can't tag you right now. Sorry! And thank YOU, the reader, for reading and enjoying this. If you want part 1, go to Random Barnaby One Shots.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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