Rule breaker (Y/n x Airalain)

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I was nervous. It was my first day at STH Academy and I was jittery. I have zero clue what my mom was thinking. It sounded like some sort of private school, but there is one problem. I don't know what the Headmaster is like, or even if the Headmaster was male or female.

Quit being a nervous person, Y/n! I scolded myself. Finally a bus pulled up. I grabbed my bags and hugged my dad. "Bye, Daddy!" I chirped, trying not to cry. My parents recently divorced, and I ended up with my dad. I love him, but he is insisting that I go to a high end school.

"Be good, Y/n." Dad replied. I knew that the Headmaster was picking me up. I boarded the bus, expecting it to be full. It was surprisingly empty, save for a realistic Sonic plush that was on the couch. I turn to the window and waved goodbye.

That was when I heard a noise. It was a heavy sounding thump. I whipped my head over to the sound and nearly cried out. The Sonic doll was standing... all by itself. I blinked, trying to convince myself that it wasn't real. I was surprised when the Sonic doll vanished. I demand, "Headmaster! Come out of the costume." I had zero idea that I was about to get a rude awakening.

I turn around to see a man who looked like Jensen Ackles. He said, "Y/n L/n, it's a pleasure to meet you. I think you know who I am." He smiled, and I shivered. I didn't expect the Sonic doll to stand up or vanish. I got to admit that the voice sounded like Roger Craig Smith.

His eyes were emerald green, and his hair was royal blue. I peeked around for the Sonic doll, but then I froze. The Sonic doll was gone. I was about to say something when I felt my mouth get covered. I blacked out in the span of sixty seconds.


I wake up with confusion. How long was I out? I wondered. I got out of there and find a letter. It read,


Welcome to STH Academy. I have you assigned to the Sonic House because I think you might be causing some mischief.

Headmaster *****

I couldn't read the signature at all. I began to wonder if the Headmaster was a Sonic fan. I glanced around. I have to admit, even though I am very smart, I tend to get into trouble.

So I walk around the ground floor of the blue house, trying to find an empty dorm. There were none. I couldn't find any empty beds, either. I finally decided to check upstairs. Just as I was about to step up the stairs, I hear a single voice. It was female, and it was singing in a creepy way. It sounded like a scary version of the Green Hill Zone level theme. Then it changed to this song:

I called out, "Hello!?" I would be lying if I said that I was not scared. The singing stopped, then I hear fast footsteps. I called, "Come back! I'm lost!" I scrambled up the stairs and followed the footsteps right into a door. I froze as I stared at what looked like two identical female Sonic clones. They both wore glasses, had green eyes and royal blue quills... and they are both staring at me with identical smirks. I bit back a scream and I stared.

"Who are you?" One of them spoke. I liked her voice. It was very sultry and sweet.

I stammer, "Y-y/n."

The other Sonic clone scolded, "Well, Y/n. You do realize that you are kinda not supposed to be here, right?" I liked this hedgehog's voice too. It sounded kind of relaxed and yet so gentle... Almost like my mother. I remembered. My mom used to be a kind woman until Karen Caruso came into her life. She had a daughter who vanished, and she tried to kidnap me. Dad found out what Mom was doing and divorced her. Mom managed to enroll me into STH Academy before that happened.

I shake my head and tried to leave. But the twin hedgehogs grabbed my arms and pulled me close. Sultry Hedgehog purred, "Well, it would be rude not to introduce ourselves. I am Airalain Hedgehog." Then she elbowed her twin. I watched them exchange glances and grin. Then she purred, "My twin sister and I decided to keep you. We think you might like to bunk with us."

The other twin interjected, "We need to talk to Headmaster S- Maurice first." I didn't like how she cut herself off like that.

Airalain sighed, then she pointed out, "Ali, Y/n already knows about us. Most humans already know that the Headmaster is none other than Headmaster Sonic the Hedgehog." My blood froze. I knew of Sonic the Hedgehog, in fact, I was a fan of his. Airalain added, glancing at something past me, "Isn't that right, Daddy?"

I turn around and I felt my breath get caught in my throat. I found myself staring directly at the famous blue hedgehog himself, and he appeared to be shocked to see me up here. Then he purred, "Y/n, I meant to tell you sooner but you blacked out on me." His voice was the same voice I heard on that vehicle. He chuckled, ruffling my hair. He praised, "You're very smart, little Y/n. But Ali is right: you aren't supposed to be up here. However," Sonic added after seeing my face pale, "your mother wanted me to make you an elite because of your smarts. So I call this one a lucky accident." His green eyes gleamed, then he waved one glove as if to shoo me. "Take good care of Y/n, girls." Sonic ordered, ruffling their quills.

"Yes, Daddy!" Airalain chirped.

"Yes, Father." Ali whispered, dipping her head in a respectful way.


Airalain and Ali were both really cool. They took me under their quills and showed me around the Elite hub. It had everything a teenager could want, from a spa to a nonalcoholic bar. But their favorite place is the Greenery. I bet you are thinking that it's just a place to relax, and it kind of is. I don't know how to describe it to you, to be honest.

Anyways, we were at the nonalcoholic bar. Airalain had a Smexy Ale (she described it as a soda and offered me a sip), Ali had an Extrovert Extreme (she called it an energy drink), and I wasn't sure on what to get. Ali called, "Excuse me, waiter? Can you be a darling and give her a Chunk-Fizz? Thanks."

The waiter nodded and returned minutes later with a sparkling blue drink. I sipped on a bit and froze. It tasted like the most fattening thing you can imagine. I drained the glass since it tasted that good. I gasped when I finished because my belt felt a little tight. Airalain sighed, shaking her head in amusement. I patted my stomach, surprised to find that I just got a bit of a muffin top. Ali glanced down at her watch and yelped, "I got homework to do!" Then she ran so fast I didn't see her get up.

I was now alone with Airalain. She scooped me in her arms and started running back to STH Academy. I was surprised to be in front of the Sonic House. She pulled me upstairs and purred, "You're going to be with us for tonight only." I was about to ask why when she shushed me, replying, "Hush. The Headmaster won't mind a little sleepover with me. You're in safe hands." She purred, wrapping her fingers around my waist. She pulled me in her room and tossed me on the bed. She followed seconds later with her laptop. She opened it and popped a disk in. I realized it was my favorite movie, and I settled in. I dozed off in the middle.

Ali returned and whispered, "Y/n is asleep?" She kinda said that like she was asking a question.

I guess Airalain nodded, then Airalain whispered, "Pleasant dreams, Y/n." I snuggle in closer. I got to admit that it felt really nice to make new friends, even if they're anthropomorphic blue hedgehogs who happened to be Sonic the Hedgehog's twin daughters.

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