The Bird

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This sign is often seen right outside Headmaster Sonic's study door

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This sign is often seen right outside Headmaster Sonic's study door. The ironic part is that everyone disobeys that rule. So I was walking by and decided to break this rule. I turn to make sure nobody else was looking, and I flipped the bird.

I walked to class, thinking I got away with it. Sonic started class that day by pointing at me and exclaiming with a tone faking hurt, "Je sais que tu as retourné le doigt."

I didn't understand what he was saying to me that time. So we kept class moving. After class, I stepped up to Sonic. My legs were jelly by the time I got close enough for him to hear. I asked, "Can you translate what you said in class? I kinda wasn't paying attention."

Sonic smirked at me, then he said the one word I dreaded, "Detention." I froze, wondering to myself, Did Tina rat me out again?

I ask, "Why, Headmaster? Why are you giving me a detention?" I checked my uniform (I had everything on), I racked my brains for anything rude I might have said (I was pretty quiet today) and I even checked my pockets. Unfortunately, I can't find where I broke the rules.

Sonic stared me dead in the eyes and replied with a chuckle, "I saw you flipping off the sign, you little rule breaker." Then he stood up and ruffled my hair. "See you when class is done."

Tales from STH Academy (A Wattpad Tale)Where stories live. Discover now