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This was before Airalain found out about Ali's ability to shape-shift. Mild body horror. Reader discretion is advised.

I find myself shapeshifting without realizing it, but there is one time where a new shapeshifting occurrence happened... All because I sneezed.

So it was allergy season at STH Academy. Everyone has either stuffy noses or constantly sneezing. Even Headmaster Sonic was having difficulty breathing. So he issued a mask mandate. Everyone got a mask. Everyone hated it. Including me. So we only take our masks off when absolutely necessary.


So Airalain and I were outside. She was babbling on and on about this new game she found. I had a look and it was cute. Then she showed me a picture that changed both of our lives. It looked like this:

I exclaimed, making the grave mistake of removing my mask, "Oi, that bird looks like something straight outta my childhood!" I watched old cartoons when I was a kid

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I exclaimed, making the grave mistake of removing my mask, "Oi, that bird looks like something straight outta my childhood!" I watched old cartoons when I was a kid. Then my nose began to itch. "Shit."

"What?" Airalain asked.

"KER-CHOO!" I sneezed loudly enough to wake the dead. Then I found it impossible to stop. I felt something snap, and it felt like I was dissolving. I was screaming and sneezing. It was that painful. I couldn't breathe, and I began to panic. My arms felt heavy, as if someone tied rocks to it. Tears stung my eyes, and my body felt as if it was being pulled in every direction possible. Finally the pain resides. I stood up, feeling shaky. Wait, did the trees shrink? I wondered, then I glanced down.

Airalain looked a lot smaller than usual. She was gazing up at me, her face sky blue with terror. "EEEEEK!" Airalain screamed, then I grabbed her. I froze, looking at what I grabbed her with. My hand was not a hand. It was a talon. Then I twisted my head to see exactly what happened. I froze, gazing at the body I have.

It was black, save for a sky blue tweed jacket and a bowtie. The gem on the brooch was a brilliant red, and the metal holding the brooch was white gold. My neck was a lot longer than it should. Where my arms should be were a pair of black wings. So I experimentally spread them and started flying. Airalain was not making my job easier. She was squirming, cussing, and screaming at me to let go. Finally she screamed, "I wish Daddy was here!" That gave me the idea to fly to his home. I stuck my tongue out, concentrating on my task. I land on the roof, carefully dropping Airalain.

"Airalain! You need to calm down!" I scolded, "I could have killed you!"

"You-! You... What happened to you!?" She shot back, her eyes wide with horror. "Does Daddy know!?" I froze, then relaxed. My feathers gleamed as the sun started setting.

"Yes. He knows I can shape-shift. Keep it quiet, though. I don't want to distract my peers, human or otherwise." I told her, carefully headbutting her. Airalain was stunned. "What?"

"Are you going to kill me!?" Airalain demanded, her voice strangled.

"No. Why the fuck would I do that!? You're my sister!" I answered, stunned at such a cruel accusation.

"The character you shifted into kills people so that they can attend his parties." Airalain replied.

I decided to check myself out. So I stretch my neck over to Airalain's room and peeked over in her vanity mirror. My eyes were green and insane. My tongue was also bright green for some reason. I open my mouth and the inside of my mouth was green. "Holy shit. What did I shape-shift into?" I muttered. Then I pulled my head back outside. "What is this called?" I ask, smoothing my new feathers.

"Barnaby." She replied, her eyes still larger than Badniks. "He is a ghost owl who also is a partier. You might want to shift back before someone sees you."

"That's not as easy as you make it sound. When I get a new form, it takes me an hour to shift back. That's to prevent health problems." I reply. I have a shapeshifting cool down. If I shape-shift too often, I get stuck in that form for days. I have already shifted four times today out of the public eye. I knew that I was going to be stuck in this form for the rest of the day. I learned this the hard way.

"Lemme make us some food." Airalain used my body as a slide. I don't protest because I was feeling hungry too. But I felt the urge to murder someone (preferably not someone I care about).

I took off flying, glancing around. Then I see my target. Ugh. Emma. And of course, she's fucking someone over. I thought, swooping down and grabbing her. I glance at my feet, making sure I grab the right hedgehog. She had a wine bottle in one hand and a condom in the other, her pink quills flushed. Phew. That could be a bad day.

"Put me down, you foreign [redacted]!" She yelled, kicking and screaming uselessly. I flew over the lake nearby and tied a boulder to her bare ankle. "I didn't even finish having hot-!" I didn't let her finish. I dropped her in the lake and flew off. I wonder if atheists can become ghosts. I mused, flying back. For some reason, that just felt good.

So I fly back, the sunset is now gone. I knew it was safe, so I landed on the lawn. Airalain was waiting outside, and she looked angry. "Ali! You idiot! Where have you been!? You could have been seen!" She snarled.

"Nobody saw me, sis." I replied honestly.

"Did you do anything stupid in this form!?" She pressed, her quills an angry cobalt.

"Nope." I lied. I stuck my tongue out, looking goofy enough for Airalain to start cracking up.

"Good. Let's eat some food!" She beckoned for me to follow her. I flapped my wings and found that she had fried some fish and made sushi. I land, eating that sushi carefully. After dinner, we laid in the grass together. "How come you never told me?" Airalain asked.

"I didn't want to be treated like a monster or a freak." I replied, remembering the time I watched Nimona.

"You're always going to be my sister." Airalain murmured, snuggling into my wing. I wrap both wings around her and decided to stay awake to watch the meteor shower. My eyelids finally felt heavy, so I closed my eyes.

The next morning, I wake up to Sonic towering over me. I get up hastily, noticing that I was shorter than Sonic. "You better have a good reason why you two broke curfew." Sonic seethed, not noticing the giant bird shaped dent in his lawn.

"Airalain and I were talking. We decided to watch a meteor shower." I explained, "Sister things, you know?" Sonic glared for a few minutes, then he noticed the giant dent. "I don't know how that got there." I explained, flustered.

"Were you attacked!?" Sonic asked, glaring at me through his mask.


"Alison, safety matters and if Eggman spotted you in any form-!"

"I'm sorry! It won't happen again!" I whine, scared.

"You two will not be attending classes or going to extracurricular activities today. You're both grounded." Sonic seemed to ignore my apologies, and his green gaze made me wilt. "And Ali, you better hope that whatever you shifted into wasn't blue!" He added.

"It wasn't! It was black!" I insisted.

"Okay. If you are lying, I will know." Sonic replied, patting my cheek. "Don't do something that stupid again."

"I won't." I promised, nudging him gently.

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