Body swap

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"Damn, Sonic is so stubborn!" I grumble. Sonic and I got into yet another argument over his lycanthropy, which means that he is going to be doing something drastic of something. I try telling Sonic that there was nothing wrong with his werehog form, but he kept shutting me down.

"Alison, lycanthropy is nothing like autism!" He always seethed whenever the subject arises. If only he saw what it was like in my head...

That night, I whispered sadly to nobody in particular, "I wish Sonic knew what I deal with daily... and I wish I knew what it's like in his mind." I had zero idea that my wish would be heard and interpreted quite literally.

I dreamed that Sonic and I were strapped to a chair. I felt something rip my head off. I saw that it was a hedgehog with night black quills and stars speckled in her spines. I hear her mutter, "Well... it's going to be a freaky Friday for you two." I felt something pull on me... then the dream shifted.

I was tied upside down. I was alone, and yet, I sense there is someone else with me. I tried to call out, but my voice was not working. I could feel something pull at my back. I screamed...

I wake up, my heart racing too fast. I breathed, and I told myself, It's okay. It's just a bad dream. It was still too dark, and I had zero idea that there was something off about me. I fell back asleep, not realizing that there was something wrong.


I woke up with a sore back. I stretched my arms, not realizing that something was wrong... yet. I cricked my neck, and I realized, Wait... why am I in Sonic's room? I went to bed angry at him. I rubbed my eyes, then I froze. I stared at my hands, which were gloved. Wait a second... I don't sleep with my gloves on! Why is everything so crystal clear!? Did I sleep in my clothes?

I got up, ran a hand through my hair, and I stopped. I was shocked because it felt as if I was not stroking hair through my gloves. What the-!? I felt the top of my head, feeling something on top of my head. The fuck? I wondered, stunned. Then I noticed something black in front of my face. It was black and oval shaped. This is not mine! I glanced at my legs, realizing that they are royal blue. These are not mine! My panic was getting to me, and I reached behind me to find that there was something blue and pointy on my back and my butt. Definitely not mine!

My hands were shaking as I opened the door to the bathroom. I could barely walk, since I was shaking so bad. I pulled myself up onto the sink and I almost screamed. I was staring in horror at what I see in the mirror.

I see Sonic staring at me. His expression seemed to be horrified. I reached for my face... and Sonic did the same thing. "Very funny." I grumbled, then I covered my mouth in horror. The voice that came out of my mouth was not my voice. It was masculine, cheesy, and sounded like it came from the 90's. "Shit." There is no denying that voice coming out of my mouth. I heard it chiding me last night. It was Sonic's voice.

I screamed, then I ran out of the room... right into a wall. "Ouch! Fuck!" I cussed, then I glanced around to see if anyone saw me fall. Awkward... I glanced at my feet and found that Sonic had taken his sneakers off. My feet... sorry, I meant Sonic's feet... were cobalt and looked like human feet. "Ack!" I gagged, hastily finding his socks and sneakers. Ew... no wonder why Sonic doesn't show his feet. I had a small whiff of his socks and I gagged again. Ew! Sonic needs to wash his feet! And his socks! That's it! I am going to shower!

I glanced down at the body I have and realized that I had a slight wardrobe malfunction: I didn't have anything to wear to cover the fact that I was naked. I blushed when I realized that every time I talked with Sonic, I didn't notice that he was running around in his birthday suit. Thankfully I spotted Sonic's parka. I decided, I am going to wear this today. I don't want to make anyone blush or advert their gaze elsewhere. I don't think that Sonic has any modesty.

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