An April Fool's Prank Gone Wrong

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"Damn it, Alison. I'm telling you it's a bad idea!" Airalain scolded me. I just rolled my eyes. It was nearing the end of March, and I wanted to give Sonic a gift... but disguise it as a prank. I had the perfect idea, but chances are Sonic would probably ground me. I grinned wickedly. Ha! Sonic is going to get a kick out of this! I chuckled to myself. I had to be careful not to get caught, though.

I strided away, hearing Airalain yell, "It's your funeral! I'm not going to be the hedgehog who buries you if you wake Headmaster Sonic! He tends to get cranky!" I think that Airalain had said more, but I couldn't hear the rest. I do have to admit this now, but I'm really good at keeping my footsteps really soft (trust me, I had accidentally startled Professor Espio once, which goes to say that if you can startle a ninja, then you are probably good at sneaking up on anyone).

I entered Professor Espio's class, and I was careful not to be heard as I sat down. I could see the air shimmer in front of the whiteboard, and I knew that Espio was there. I crept up to the shimmering movement and tapped it. Espio flickered into view as if I had flipped on a light switch. "Alison Hedgehog! I think you'd be a lot better in my house!" Espio praised when he was done having a mini What-the-fuck-just-happened moment.

I asked, "Professor, how much would it cost to buy a pair of marigolds?"

"Twenty four rings. Why are you asking me this?" He sounded a bit suspicious as I asked this.

"Eh... I was just curious." I didn't clue him in on the fact that what I'm planning would probably make even the most cranky hedgehog smile. I smiled sweetly at the chameleon, praying that he bought the excuse. I think he did, since he only rolled his eyes and continued doing what he was doing.

I continued through the day with a small smirk. Jace, from the Scourge House, was a bit unsettled by my calm demeanor. I think Professor Scourge was intimidated too. He asked, his blue eyes narrowing angrily, "Babe, I dunno what you are planning, but if it's something I don't like... I don't advise it. I tried to prank the blue bastard once... it didn't end well." His tone was obviously threatening, but he had no clue that what I planned was going to be more sweet than rude on Sonic's end.

After that, I sneaked over to the flower shop as quickly as possible (it was March 31). I asked the owner of the flower shop, keeping my gaze alert, "Excuse me, but do you have any blue roses?"

He shook his head, then he told me, "How about marigolds for a pretty girl like you instead?"

I shrugged, knowing that this was what I was here for. I fished out the rings and placed them on the counter. "I'll take it." I was handed a box of marigolds. Okay... this was a bit more than what I expected, but I can work with that. I knew that all of the teachers live relatively close to each other, and I knew where each one lived (they constantly invite me over to their places. Bite me).

As the sun set, I knew that I had only hours to put my plan into action. My first target was Amy. I bade Sonic good night, as usual... then when his back was turned, I quickly climbed down the tree that was right outside my window. I shimmied down, then I sneaked over to Amy's place. I grinned as she finished her laundry and placed her shoes outside (probably to dry, since it rained the day before and she complained of wet feet). As soon as her lights went out, I took her shoes off the window sill and quickly filled them with dirt. Then I placed two marigold plants in her boots. I scrawled, Sorry about the shoes. But here is a flower. It was my dad's favorite before he passed. Then I carefully placed the shoes back where they originally were.

I found Silver was easy, too. He just left his shoes on the steps. I filled them with dirt and stuck the marigolds in there. April Fool. I wrote. Then I scampered away to Rouge. Rouge was trickier. I shoved a bunch of iron pirate (fools gold) and mixed it with real gold in her shoes. I grinned, since I knew that Rouge knew the difference between real gold and fools gold. Let me say that this is the same bat who can pick out the difference between a fake emerald and a real emerald just by glancing at it.

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