Chapter 25

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I clenched the steering wheel so hard, my knuckles turned white.

"Curly, get out of this fucking car and get into that damn room now," my voice was barley above a whisper but I knew that it was scarier than me yelling

I'd been trying to be as nice as I could but god dammit he wasn't making this easy.

He scowled at me "I'm not going to a fucking shrink Tim, I ain't a looney," he was trynna play tough but I knew him well enough to see that he was scared

Hell, I was scared too, him going to a therapist just sort of confirmed that all this had actually happened, that there was no putting all this behind us.

I snapped "So what the hell do you wanna do huh? Forget that all this happened? No! So get ur ass inside that damn room!" My voice was so loud it attracted the eyes of some rich, snooty couple who stared at us like we were dirt. I did then the favour of flipping them the bird

He Flinched at my voice and shrunk into himself and I felt like a piece of shit.

I tried to reach out to him "Curls. I'm sorry-"

He wanted no part of it, instead existing the car and leaving the door wide open, finally (to my relief?) Entering the building.

I buried my head into my hands and took a deep breath, trying to get my anger into check.

I couldn't be doing this no more, things were different now, Curly was more... fragile than he was before and as much as I hated to admit it I didn't think that was gonna change any time soon.

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