Chapter 3

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I clenched my eyes shut wanting for all this to go away

"your a pretty boy Shepard"

God I wanted for this to be over

"Ssssshhh we're just having some fun"

I felt dirty and used

"Are you enjoying this as much as I am?"

I wanted this to be over

"I'll be back tomorrow pretty boy"

I was broken now


Tears streamed down my dirty face. That's all I've been doing for the past hour, crying like some teenage girl.

I still couldn't believe what had happened, I didn't want to but the blood running down my legs and staining my already dirty jeans was enough reminder, enough proof that this had actually happened. That this nightmare was actually true.

All I could do was wonder what people would think of me now. I wasn't the same hood everyone knew and feared, I was disgusting.

Of course there was the possibility that I would never get out of here and I didn't know wether I should be scared or relieved.

I guess nothing matters anyway. It was clear to me that no one gives a shit about me given the fact that I'm still here. It would be better off for everyone if I was dead.

God at this point death seemed like the easiest way out. I never in all my life thought it would come to this. I was always use to just brushing things over or just not really fixating on anything

I guess I was just use to moving on and forgetting, something that had clearly not helped me in the long run.

I thought about my siblings. Did they even miss me? I could be dead for all they know.
Were they even looking for me? Cuz' if they were, they clearly weren't doing a good job of it .


The door slammed open and a plate of what looked like slop was thrown in. The guy smiled at me.

"Eat up," he mocked. "I want you to be nice and healthy for our next session,"

As soon as the door slammed shut again, I hurled the plate against the wall.

I stood up suddenly motivated.
'What was I doing just sitting around here waiting for someone to come rescue me?'

I walked closer to the door and briefly wondered if it was open. 'It couldn't be that easy,could it?'

I pushed lightly against the door and it creaked open,slowly.

Hey guys !
Let me me know if you liked it and if you'd like to see a different POV next chapter!

I'm suffocating Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant