Chapter 9

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                             !TW SLEF HARM!

Once I locked the door,I walked around

I turned my gaze to the sink and saw Tim's razor just sitting there.

I wondered how it would feel to run the cool blade across my skin. I picked it up,turning it over in my hands.

Sitting at the edge of the bathtub I let the sharp blade glide over my wrist,feeling a slight flicker of joy at the blood that spilled over my arm.

I thought about how it would feel to just end it but then quickly decided against it. Someone disgusting like me doesn't deserve an easy escape

I slashed the blade over my wrist a couple more times,feeling some sort of relief at the blood that was oozing out.

I could faintly hear Tim calling me but I felt too light headed to answer

As his voice came closer the door began to rattle.

"Open the damn door!"he yelled at me.

But I was too engrossed in watching all the blood,proud yet horrified at what I had done.

As the door was finally forced open,Tim's shocked voice echoed through.

"What have you done?!"He demanded,"what the hell have you done?!"

I couldn't say anything,my heart was thumping in my chest.

He stepped closer and wrapped his hand around the cut. I flinched at the physical contact.

He muttered a bunch of crap under his breath that I couldn't be bothered to distinguish then took out the the medical bag we had stored under the sink.

As he desperately wrapped the white bandage around my wrist,he looked up at me,

"why would you do that?" He sounded so tired.

I just shrugged,unsure of the answer myself.

When he was done,He led me by my hand to my room and gently pushed me down onto my bed.

He took a deep breath and turned to me,"you can't be pulling shit like that,Curly,"

I just stared at him unaffected by his words,numb.

"Well?" He asked

I just nodded,"ok,"

He frowned,not believing me,hell, I didn't believe me.

He then sat next to me,tugging on me arm,pulling me closer,"why?" He asked again

Later,when he left my room, I lay down and
Looked up at the ceiling.

'I don't know' I thought to myself 'I really don't know'

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