Chapter 17

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I walked into Tim's room and he grinned when he saw me

"we know where Chad is!" He yelled,waving a piece of crumpled paper in front of me.

The feeling of nausea only grew inside of me "can I talk to ya?"

He frowned at me,putting the piece of paper down "Yeah,what's wrong?"

I closed the door and sat next to him on the bed.

I cleared my throat "so about the thing that happened when I was....away," I hesitated

He nodded,eager to finally know "yeah?"

Tears pooled up in my eyes as I remembered it all.

'Oh god, he was gonna think I'm disgusting'

I let out a sob and shook my head

"I didn't want to!" I begged him to believe me
"He made me and-,"

Tims eyes widened as he saw me cry and
I gasped as Tim hugged me "ssshhhh, it's okay,"

He tilted my head up and I could see in his eyes that he in the back of his mind he knew.

"Tell me everything,"


Once I had finished,I looked like a complete mess But that was nothing compared to Tim

He sat there looking numb,A glassy look in his normally cold eyes.

He hugged me again as I began to sob
"I didn't want to!" I sobbed out again

"I know," he whispered in my ear "believe me I know,sssshhhh," he rocked me

"It's gonna be okay Curls,"

"How?"I sobbed

He pulled away from me,picking up the letter with the address on it "cuz I'm gonna fucking kill him,"

I felt fear engulf me, I knew that Tim didn't make empty threats and I didn't want my brother to go to jail just because I couldn't keep my stupid mouth shut.

I shook my head desperately "no," I sobbed out "just leave it!"

He turned to me "I'm not gonna just leave it Curls,he's gonna fucking pay,"

I don't want him to go out and get revenge,I just wanted him to hold me and tell me that it'll be ok.

He pushed me down gently onto the bed "just sleep,I'll be back before ya know it,"

I shook my head "you'll get in trouble!" I argued.

He smiled at me brushing my tears away "not if I don't get caught,"

I shivered at the coldness in his voice.

He walked out the room and I went after him "Tim please don't!"

As we got to the bottom of the stairs,everyone was staring it us,including Angela who had decided to join us.

Wade took one look at my tear stained face and once look at Tim's pissed off one and he knew.

"You told him," he said gently

Tim fumed "you fucking knew!?"

"I told him not to tell you," I didn't know why I was defending wade, maybe I just wanted to distract myself from everything.

"I don't give a shit," Tim looked like he was about to shed tears of frustration "When my brother gets raped you fucking tell me!"

I could hear my sister gasp and saw Blake and Dally's eyes widen.

"Where are you going?" Asked Wade

"I'm gonna kill him," he stated which only made me sob more.

"Come on Tim,yer scaring him," Pleaded wade

Tim turned to me and promised "I won't get caught,"

And with that he left,leaving me to dry heave.

No one said anything and for a while,the room was filled with my soft crying.

"Curly-" Wade started but I didn't wait for him to finish.

Ignoring everyone and everything,I ran upstairs to my room and threw myself onto my unmade bed,letting my tears guide me to a restless sleep.

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