Chapter 33

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My eyes were blurry as they adjusted.

I was hit with a wave of deja vu as I took in my painfully white surroundings. My body felt numb,like I couldn't move even if I wanted to.

My eyes shot open, 'Tim! Where was Tim?!'

I tried to pull myself up only to get pressed down onto the bed again, I tried to speak but it came out lower than a whisper

Accepting defeat,I flopped back down onto the bed and groaned.

The nurse, I presume the one who had pushed me down, smiled kindly at me, but it wasn't one of those genuine smiles it was more of those 'I couldn't care less about you but I need to make myself look good' smiles

"Good morning,"

I clenched my eyes shut once again as her chirpy voice cut through me,making my head start pounding.

She carried on as if she hadn't noticed, I didn't pay much attention to her I just payed attention to the basics.

Juts as I was about to drift off she mentioned someone that made me wide awake

"Your sister and some of your friends are in the waiting room, would you like to see them?"

Despite my drowsiness I nodded then hesitated

"Just my sister," I coughed uncomfortably

I didn't wanna deal with anyone else.

The nurse nodded at me then left, leaving me alone with my thoughts for a few minutes.

I couldn't get Tim off my mind. 'Was he ok?'
I couldn't remember most of what had happened, only him shoving me.

It was all my fault, if anything happened to him I could never live with myself.

I was pulled out of my thoughts my the door swinging open and I looked up at my sister standing,or more so,leaning in the doorway

Angela's usual bitchy demeanour had gone down and her face was covered with tear streaks.

I felt horrible, I hadn't even considered how she felt, both her siblings hospitalised.

I pushed myself up slightly "hey," I mumbled groggily

She all but ran over to me and hugged me.

I patted her back the best I could at the awkward angle then she settled down on the edge of the bed.

We made small talk for a while, not much of what she updated me on stayed with me to be honest, it was all high school petty shit.

I patted her arm to make her stop, allowing me to talk instead, it was the most I've talked in months

"Angel, where's Tim?"

Ah so the update has finally dropped
I cannot express how grateful I am that you all didn't behead me during this inexcusable wait time hahah
As always I'm open for suggestions

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