Chapter 12

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As I pulled on my jacket to leave,I felt around in my pocket to make sure my switch was there.

It wasn't. I frowned,where the hell had it gone? I don't remember taking it out.

Then a sudden thought hit me; Tim

I cursed in my head as I stormed down the stairs to find him. Luckily,I didn't have to go far as he was sitting on the old couch in the living room.

"Do ya know where my switch is?" I asked in a monotone voice.

He looked up up at me and said nothing at first,then after a few seconds he said "why'd you need it," and that's when i knew he had taken it.

I scowled at him "why does it matter?"

He only raised an eyebrow at me,so I carried on

"Maybe, I need it for protection," I was fuming in the inside

He snorted,looking back at the tv "people with Tough hoods as older brothers don't need 'protection' ,"

I didn't know what I should feel more insulted by, the fact that he took away my blade or the fact that he thought I couldn't hold my own.

"Well where was the tough hood when I got taken," I said,enjoying the way he flinched but still he said nothing.

"It's mine!" I whined,painfully aware of the fact that I sounded like a three year old.

He turned his head towards me again "I don't care," he said in a more serious tone "you never tell me anything that's going on so how can I trust you?"

Instead of gracing him with a reply,I stormed out.


As I slumped down onto a stool at bucks,I heard my name being called.

I groaned as I saw wade.

I mean don't get me wrong,I do like him after all he was like an older brother to me but I just wasn't in the mood to speak to anyone.

He sat down next to me,frowning disapprovingly at my drink "should you be having that?"

To answer him I drowned the whole thing in one go "bite me,"

He rolled his eyes at me "where's your brother?"

I scowled at the mention of Tim "how should I know?"

He raised his brow at me "did y'all get into a fight or something?"

Instead of answering him I got another drink.

"Hey Shepard!" I heard a yell from behind me

Two boys from the Tigers (a different gang) were walking towards me.

"What?" I asked,confused as to why they'd be approaching me.

"Can we talk to ya?" I saw they're eyes flicker to Wade as he was glaring them "alone?"

Just as I was about to answer,wade beat me to it "hell no!"

I glared at him and he glared right back "if y'all wanna talk you could do it here," he finished

On a normal day I might have agreed, it did make no sense that they were talking to me, but today I was tired of everybody treating me like a little kid.

"Yeah we can talk," I muttered getting up.

They grinned at me as Wade scowled at me "Are ya serious,Curly?"

I ignored him and led the two,just outside to a small ally.

"What'd ya want?" I asked,starting to get a little nervous.

I saw them glance at each other "we need you to help us get rid of something," one of them started

He then pulled out a small bag and I widened my eyes at it.

"You'll get all the money!" He promised,seeing my shocked face "we just need it off our hands.

I was just about to decline when I remembered my switch. I could probably get a good one with the money without anyone - and by anyone I mean Tim - knowing.

"Fine," I said,ignoring the uneasy feeling In my stomach.

I reached for the bag,tucking it into my pocket as they sighed in relief.

Just as I was about to leave the alley,they yelled something else.

"Your brother don't need to knew about this,"

I could feel the uneasy feeling growing "nope," I muttered "he doesn't,"

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