Chapter 32

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Wade was waiting for me at the top of the road as per my request but I started getting nervous as I neared the park, I mean what the hell was I even gonna say to him ?

I knew he wouldn't forgive easy, in fact, he wasn't the type of person to forgive at all but I had to try.

At least that's what I told myself as I stood behind the brick wall separating the small ally in the park from the main road.

"I mean I wouldn't,"

I paused, some of the guys must be with him, this was gonna make things a hell of a lot harder for me.

"Yeah come on Tim, he betrayed you? You really gonna let that slide?"

I bit my lip as I took a peek, there was Tim, a cigarette in his mouth, hard eyes trained at the ground. He never once opened his mouth, his arms stayed crossed

"Wasn't he sleeping round earlier?"

Tim looked up at that but the guy, I assume it was Jake,that fucker always hated me, just chuckled

I took several steps back my breath hitching, I knew exactly what they were talking about. I didn't realise they would consider it sleeping around.

"The fuck you talking about?" Tim's voice was gruff and strained, like he hadn't spoken in days

Did he think I was sleeping around? Did Everyone else just think that?

"You know? a few months ago man," the guy laughed again "he couldn't even go a few weeks without-"

He was slammed into the wall before he could even finish his sentence

"You don't ever fucking speak about that again you hear me?!"

But it was too late for me,the damage had already been done,

I just walked straight on,not even caring that they could all see me, I didn't care that they all knew I'd heard.
Besides, it was always better hearing what people actually thought about you

"Curly!" Tim yelled out at me

I could hear him waking after me so I sped up a little, I wondered if he was still mad at me, I wondered if he had only slammed Jake into that wall for his own reputation

I wondered a lot of things, I wondered until I got to the middle of the road

I felt like I was high and drunk at the same time

Tim grabbed my shoulders and shook me "Look at you! You get out of this road now you hear me?!"

I pushed weakly at his hands "I wasn't sleeping around," I slurred, maybe I was drunk

He just continued to shove at me "move!"

I could see a light going brighter in the background but I payed no mind to it until Tim was practically screaming at me


My breath was forced out of my body as I rolled onto my back and the light just got brighter.

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