Chapter 29

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I hadn't spoken in almost three days and I had barley left my bed either however,today was when I normally had therapy and I knew it was gonna be a cold one in hell before Tim let me skip

He practically dragged me to the bathroom and gently pushed me down onto the floor next to the bathtub

I jumped as I felt water hit my hair but Tim shushed me

"Lean your head forward," he gently pushed on my back.

He continued to gently wash my hair and I felt a feeling of gratitude towards him.

I barley noticed when the water turned off and he pulled me up, giving me a towel to dry my hair

He came with me to my room and I sat on my bed, zoning out once again,

everything was blending together and I could barley focus but I forced to myself to look up when Tim knelt infront of me.

"Curly," he said my name with such force that I felt obliged to to keep eye contact "You need to talk to me," his voice was desperate, unlike any other time he had spoken

I felt guilt wash over me once again and I felt like suck a selfish asshole. I tried to open my mouth to apologise but nothing me out

He smiled at me and ruffled my hair.

"Get dressed," he stood up and looked at me "please, for me honey ?"

It was the least that i could do so I tried to fight the numb feeling as much as I could as I pulled my clothes out of a drawer

I saw him relax slightly and I felt a little better

We were soon on our way to the doctors office and I tried to ignore the glances Tim kept giving me in the car. I knew that he wanted me to speak but I didn't even know where to start.

I didn't say anything as I left the car I only stared at him for a minute before I finally entered the building.

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