Chapter 4

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I pushed lightly on the door and it creaked open,slowly

I took a sudden step back ,fear engulfing me. I'd taken enough beatings and berating comments to know that nothing in life was this easy, not on my side of town anyway.

It was probably all just a trick to see how far my stupidity could go, to see how much more I could humiliate myself, to see me get filled with hope only for it to get sucked out again.

I tried my hardest to convince myself that none of that was true, that I was just being paranoid. Turns out lying to yourself is easier that expected because the next thing I know the door was being pushed fully open and I was on the other side of it in merely seconds.

It felt like I was no longer in control of my body, my legs moving one step after the other carrying me just outside the old place I was at. There were a ton of broken down houses all lined up neatly next to each other. I desperately raked my useless brain, begging myself to recognise this area.

"HEY!" I heard the familiar shout from behind me and I froze.

As a last minute resort i jerked off my dirty jean jacket and ditched it on the stained pavement, naively praying that someone would see it and at least know where I was.

He grabbed me roughly by the arm and I could feel his hot breath in my ear,it was the warmest thing I'd felt in a while.

"Your gonna regret ever walking through that door you little shit," he dragged me roughly by the arm and I didn't even bother fighting it. I knew that no matter what I did or tried to do,
he would win.

My mind remained on that jean jacket. I silently prayed that someone would recognise it and come save me.

The next few hours hade some of the hardest beatings I've ever received.


                                  Tims P.O.V

Anxiety pooled in my chest as another day went by with still no trace. I felt hopeless But as usual I kept a calm and composed face in front of my gang.

"We should head back," a member of gang
nervously suggested to me.

I glared at him and he backed away. Something  had felt different about today but I guess it was nothing. Just as I was about to turn back an object caught my eye.

Heart jumping to my throat, I took a few more steps forward until I was directly next to it. No, it couldn't be.

"Holy shit, is that curly's jacket?" Someone asked from behind.

I gulped, yes, yes it was and it was littered with blood stains

**** authors note ****

Oooooh I've added another POV!
Let me know what you guys think so far and remember I'm always open to suggestions:)

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