Chapter 31

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I awkwardly shuffled into the living space of Wades small house. I've been here enough times when I was younger to figure out why he didn't like spending much time here and I guess the beer bottles and the passed out father on the couch also gave out a hint.

He grinned when he saw me "hey,"

I just nodded back, I had barley slept the night before, thinking about how I was gonna go back home after this, how I was ever gonna look Tim in the eyes again.

However I also knew well enough that the longer I put this off, the worse it would get. Tim wasn't exactly a patient guy and I knew that from experience.

"Imma head to the park, see if Tim's there,"

he was definitely gonna be there.
Anytime he was upset or angry, which was a lot of the time, he would go there and smoke and sometimes some of the gang would tag along, something that only I knew he didn't like.

He preferred to be alone a lot and I guess him being burdened with my problems must have taken a toll on him but I tried to push that  thought outta my head, I didn't need to feel worse about myself and I definitely didn't need anymore self pity.

He stood up, already pulling on a jacket "I'll walk ya,"

I decided not to argue against it and we started our walk up the road

I know this isn't long but I decided to get something out there instead of making y'all wait. I will try to get a longer chapter out in the next day or two

I'm suffocating Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz