Chapter 8

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I groaned as I was blinded by a bright light.
I opened my eyes to find myself in my room.

I pushed myself up,wincing at the pain that shot through my body.

I hadn't shown or told anyone about my injuries,I didn't want anybody near me or touching me.

I was still in the same blood stained shirt and jeans and every time I looked at them I was overcome with a nauseous feeling.

I pulled some clothes out of my dresser,planning to take a shower. I was hoping to get 'him' off me.


I let the water run down my beaten body as I closed my eyes. As every second went by I would scrub harder at my body,willing for everything to come off but no matter how hard I tried it stayed there,leaving me feeling dirty and used.

Once I got out of the shower,I looked at myself in the mirror. My body was marked with bruises and cuts,some worse than others.

'God' I thought, thinking about how people would react if they saw me like this.


I slowly walked down the worn out stairs,pain shooting up my stomach with every step. I sighed with relief as I finally made it to the couch.

My sister walked in and stared at me.

It was an awkward silence until suddenly she walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my body.

"I missed you so much," she whispered into my ear.

I managed to wrap my arms around her,"I missed you to,"

When she finally pulled away she cleared her throat.

"Do you want me to make you something?" She asked me And although I haven't eaten In What feels like forever,the idea of Angela's cooking didn't exactly appeal to me.

I shook my head,offering a small smile instead.

"Alright," she muttered and turned to go walk back into the kitchen to probably sit at the phone for ages.

Just as she walked away,the front door opened and I jumped slightly.

"Hey kid,"Tims tired voice greeted me.

I nodded in response,keeping my eyes trained on some dumb tv show that was playing.

I felt the couch sink down slightly as he sat next to me and I resisted the urge to run away.

I sucked in a breath as a sharp pain surged through me.

He turned to me and frowned,"what's wrong?" He asked moving closer to me.

I shuffled back so my back was pressed up against the arm rest,"nothing,"

He frowned even deeper,"does anything hurt?" He asked me.

I said nothing and he moved his hands closer to the hem of my shirt.

I flinched,pushing him away, but not before he saw a nice,big cut on my stomach.

He scowled at me,"Jesus, do you wanna get an infection or something?"

It was my turn to frown,"it's fine I've,got it sorted!" I yelled

He rolled his eyes and bright his hands closer again,"just lemme see,"

This time I didn't hold back. As soon as his hands touched me I kicked him In The place where the sun don't shine.

He howled in pain,"you son of a bitch!" He yelled

I stood up,feeling an overwhelming amount of anxiety flood inside of me.

I ran upstairs and into the bathroom ignoring his shouts for me to come back.

I'm suffocating Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang