Chapter 6

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I groaned as the door was thrown open and Chad walked through.

He smirked at me and began taking off his leather jacket,"How about we have a lil bit of fun?"

I straightened up in fear,shaking my head but knowing that I couldn't prevent what was coming.

He came closer and awkwardly pushed me underneath him capturing my lips with his.
I gasped for air against his lips as a familiar cold feeling washed over me.

I felt numb.

Just then,as if my prayers had been answered a familiar voice was heard throughout the old,abandoned house.

"Search everywhere and don't leave until you do,"


I felt Chad stiffen against me and push himself off in panic.

"Shit," he muttered under his breath but I was too busy trying to calm myself down from what had almost happened.

He stood up suddenly causing me to flinch and made his way to the door. When he got there he paused and turned to me.

He smirked,"Don't think I won't find you again,your a real good fuck," and with that he fled,leaving me sitting on the dirty floor.

I wanted to scream for them to come and find me sooner but i couldn't find my voice.

About a minute later the door slammed open again and in walked Wade, Tim's second in command,his best friend.

His eyes widened as he spotted me and he ran over instantly,kneeling at my side.

"Shit,you alright kid?" He asked,his hands roaming over my body,checking for any bad injuries or bleeding.

I didn't want him touching me,I didn't want anybody touching me instead I wanted to throw up and forget any of this had ever happened.

I could faintly hear him calling for someone over the ringing sound in my ears but I couldn't make out who. I'm guessing it must have been Tim because a few seconds later he walked in,looking shocked to see me.

He awkwardly made his way towards me stopping and cradling my body towards his.

"You all right Curls?" He asked nervously.

I nodded against his chest ignoring the bile rising up my throat at an alarming rate.

"What happened?" He asked.

it was a simple question really  but apparently I didn't think so judging by the fact that it caused me to have a literal panic attack.

I desperately tried to find my breath as both Tim and Wade tried to calm me down.

The last thing I heard before I passed out was Wade's panicked voice telling me to breathe.

I'm suffocating Where stories live. Discover now