Chapter 22

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I pulled on my shirt,wincing as it brushed against the bandages on my wrist.

I was finally getting out of this hell and I couldn't be more glad.

"You done?" Tim asked me and I nodded.

I stood next to him as he finished signing the last of the forms that the doctors had given him.

Just as he stood up I felt a cold breeze rush through me, I don't know whether it was the nerves or if the thought of getting out of here excited me that much,

Tim noticed and shrugged off a hoodie that he had been wearing

"here," he chucked it at my face and I grunted as it hit me

"Thanks," I muttered pulling it on.

I was mortified when I looked in the bathroom mirror,I looked liken a living corpse with material hanging off me,I decided to blame it on the stupid plastic mirrors they used so I wouldn't try to "harm myself"

Tim snorted from behind me "you dine looking at yourself,princess?"

I scowled at him but I couldn't be too mad after all today was a good day.


I slumped down in the front seat of the car as Tim started up the engine.

I was completely exhausted; physically and mentally.

My mind was plagued with one specific question,what had happened to chad?

I wanted to ask him back at the hospital but I had chickened out at the last second. So when we had been driving for a good minute,I decided that it was a good time as ever to pop the question.

"What happened to Chad?"

I saw Tim stiffen and clench the steering wheel tightly

"why'd you wanna know," he flashed me a slightly concerned look and I shrugged.

He sighed "let's just say he ain't gonna be messing around anytime soon,"
Seeing my confused face,he elaborated "I shot his dick," he said nonchalantly

I spluttered caught between the urge to laugh and cry "what?"

"He deserves it and more," he grumbled,a pained look taking over his face

"Thanks I guess," I muttered

He smiled tightly at me and we spent the rest of the way home in silence

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