Chapter 34

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I've rewritten this chapter cuz I didn't really like the last one

I breathed through my nose and clenched my eyes shut, willing myself to go to sleep and never wake up.

"They're saying he might not wake up Curly,"

Biting my lip, I held in a sob, not wanting to catch the attention of any of the nurses working the night shift.

I'd gotten away lucky apparently, only a fucked up leg and some bruises to add on to my ever growing collection

Tim however.... oh god it was all my fault

From what I'd understood from Angie before she left to go check on him was something about his head. He hit it pretty fucking hard or something.

It was times like these I wish I listen to people properly, or understood them even.

I sat up slightly, curling into myself.

What if...what if he never wakes up?

And god that was a scary thought.

It's all my fault.

Hey hello
This is very shit but I needed a starting point ig

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