Chapter 10

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I walked into the kitchen,my mind set on finally eating something.

As I walked in,I saw Angela,Tim and surprisingly,Wade already there.

Angela frowned at me,"what happend to your wrist?" She asked me

I could feel Tims piercing gaze on me."I fell," I replied.

Once she finally turned away,I made my way to the counter to get a slice of bread. I wasn't really hungry anymore after that question.

As soon as I reached for the knife,Tim was beside me in an instant,taking it out of my hands.

"I'll do that," he said with a weird tone in his voice that I couldn't distinguish.

I scowled at him,"I can do it myself," I snapped back,reaching for the knife.

"I said I'll do it!" He snapped back.

suddenly,I was aware of everyone looking at us,so I dropped it for the time being.

I stomped over to the table and sat down,picking at my slice of bread.

'Who the hell did he think he was?' I thought to myself.

At this point I had completely lost my apatite so I stood up and cleared what was left of my plate into the trash.

"I'm going out," I said to no one in particular.

As I was walking to the living room I felt a pair of footsteps behind me.

"Curly wait," Tims voice rang out behind me so I friend around.

"What?" I asked,annoyed

He shifted uncomfortably,"do you have your switch on ya?" He asked.

I scoffed,"you are so fucking unbelievable!" I yelled at him.

Just as he was about to yell right back at me,wade walked in and immediately sensed the tension.

"You guys alright?" He asked us and I ignored him and walked out the door.


I walked down the street muttering thing under my breath.

I was so pissed at everyone at this point I might as well have been back with Chad.

I shivered at that thought

'No' I thought to myself 'anything is better that being back there'

I sat down on a worn out,old bench.

"Hey curly," I heard the familiar voice of Ponyboy Curtis.

I looked up and saw him with his oldest brother,"hey,"I muttered back.

They both gave me half smiles laced with sympathy and pity

I fumed on the inside,I hated it when people looked at me like that,like I was some charity case.

"What're you doing our here?" Darry's deep voice rang out

I just shrugged,not interested in talking to anyone at the moment.

They both seemed to pick up on my mood because a second later they started to walk away.

"Well,see you around," ponyboy muttered and I just nodded.

When they left,I put my hand in my pocket meaning to get a cigarette but instead my hand landed on the blade of my switch.

I bit my lip looking around,no one could see me,right?

Placing the blade on my upper arm,I glided it down gently,relishing at the feeling of the burning pain that came almost instantly.

I pulled my sleeve down, pocketed my blade and Started to make my way back home.

When I got there however,I decided to Just sit outside and smoke.

As I lit my cigarette,I heard the front door open.

I ignored it in favour of taking a big drag out of my cancer stick,

"Can I sit?" Wade asked me.

I just shrugged and he took that as a yes.

We both sat there smoking for a while and I relished the silence but unfortunately I knew it couldn't last long.

"Listen have you told Tim about,well, you know?" He asked nervously.

I frowned at him.

"No," I stood up making my way inside.

When I got to the door I turned back around.

"And you better not tell him either,"

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