CHAPTER 6 - Discoveries and Decisions

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Eden had turned her second day before the third and final day into a self-training ground inside her barricaded apartment.

Now on that third day, she is ready and prepared to leave the apartment and meet up with the two men, one of them being the former manager of her part-time job.

She dressed herself up in a simple shirt with a thick leather jacket and jeans and running shoes, she even has a hooded sweater underneath her leather jacket to cover the hood over her head and provide herself with thick clothing to ensure that any stray zombie out there that might bite on her arms, their teeth won't rip apart the thickness through the many-layered clothes. She even had a dark bandana around her neck inside her hood to cover her mouth and nose up to protect herself from breathing any toxic air if there was any spreading from outside.

She also had her backpack with her needed stuff ready along with her weapons which are the two spears she was holding tightly in one hand.

She looked around her apartment as if for the last time and sighed and then held the two spears in one hand in a tight grip while her free one removed the chair that was blocking the main door of her home with the heavy boxes already removed. She slowly opened it and looked back at her space one more time with a sad forlorn expression on her face which she had only lived in it for almost half a week when she moved into the city.

Eden sighed and then left, shutting the door behind her, leaving the empty apartment.

Time passed quickly and it was almost sundown when Eden came running back, bursting through her apartment door like an explosion, and she looked completely haggard and exhausted as if she went through a big wringer.

Then Eden sighed again like before as she let her backpack and weapons fall from her weak hands, along with the handgun that she somehow had gotten from somewhere.

She weakly but firmly barricaded her door again with the same chair as before, but the heavy boxes back on the chair, and then pushed her bag and weapons besides the chair.

Then she opened her backpack and took out her journal and pen to write what had happened as she walked tiredly to her desk, sat on her chair, and went on writing in it.



Oh My God! I can't believe this had happened!

I mean, what are the chances once in a lifetime that such a twist of bad luck or fate would fall for them?

Sorry, I'm rambling on.

I'm writing like this because I couldn't believe what had just happened today when I thought that I would be meeting up with the people that will take me out of the city and get out of this nightmare.

Of course, something had to happen to mess that plan up.

Here I was, the third day that is scheduled for me to meet up with one of the guys who was my manager and boss from my former part-time job, and I was packed and ready to leave on that day after I finally decided to leave and get out.

My things and food were already prepared and packed in my slightly heavy backpack, along with the additions of knives, my journal, and a pen inside it.

I had one sharp long kitchen knife sheathed by the side pocket of my jeans and I was holding both of the two spears that I made.

I'm also dressed up in heavy thick clothes but not too much so that it would limit my movements on running and leaping and whatever I do. And also I do not like the idea that I'll be tripping over my own feet and fall because I'm wearing clothes that would restrict my body from moving fast and swiftly.

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