CHAPTER 26 - Assessing The Danger Level

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It is now the next day later than the previous one on the first week of the new month in Z-city, and Eden is getting ready and preparing herself to go out on the city-run, to check out the possible survivors that she had heard from the monitor alarms the day before.

Even though she had told the children that she'll be leaving soon to check it out, Michael and Annie stuck by her side since the day before when they were told the news, and both kids were torn between feeling anxious worry for their guardian or eager excitement over the possibility of meeting more new people and getting new friends.

Fortunately, they were relieved when Eden decided and told them that she'll be bringing Luna along, and despite that, they have Archer with them, their guardian couldn't trust the growing puppy to look after the kids well enough since Archer's dog training is not complete yet.

So Eden reminded the two children about staying in radio contact with her with the walkie-talkie comm they have, gifted from her, and she also reassured them that she'll also be in contact with the kids so that they won't worry while she's gone.

It took about a minute for the kids to be reassured and when they were finally convinced, Michael and Annie just watched as Eden put a carrying harness and rope on Luna so that the wolf-dog will be carefully lifted down first before she goes next. Once that's done, Eden kissed and rubbed their little heads affectionately and comforted them once more that she'll be back safely before she climbed down the ladder and then used the motorcycle again to ride through the streets of Z-city, securing her dog Luna firmly on her back so that it wouldn't fall off.

It didn't take long for Eden to find out exactly where the possible survivors are holding up and staying in after driving around the city streets for a few minutes, then searching for the highest spot that's facing right over the area they're in, and she made sure that she brought along double-scopes that can be looked into different faraway distances in case the one or the other doesn't pinpoint what she needs to watch out and look for.

Once Eden got into position as she and her dog Luna got inside one of the abandoned high-rise apartment buildings and went to a room that's high enough to look over the spot where the survivors at, she swiftly set up her position and then readied her binoculars and sniper rifle-gun beside her, triangulating the place she had seen the people living at and pinpointing their slight exact location.

It was very quiet. A bit eerily so.

Right there on that very spot in Eden's end on her watch post.

And Luna managed to follow her master's mood as the female dog also kept its silence very well so that the only sounds they can or will hear, are the noises coming from the survivors, which Eden is glad upon checking on the monitor alarms that she placed, she can hear them by another discovery she found out that the people are right near within the hearing range where she placed the security-alarm measures of the monitoring devices she had placed long ago.

Just as Eden got into the highest spot and decided to make it into a watch post or lookout, she sat there in one of the rooms up on the higher floors of the high-rise apartment they are in, and she and her dog waited silently and very patiently in there until Eden hears more sounds or any other noises that are going to be heard through her linked monitor by her side.

When there was still silence for about five more minutes or so, Eden was about to make up her mind on a new decision to move into another room on a much higher floor, but then she froze still like a statue when she saw movement right across her line of sight and instantly brought out the binoculars to see the source coming from it.

She alternatively switched from binoculars to the attached telescope on the sniper rifle-gun she had brought along to look through and try to see what she could make of the group of people she saw in the other building across her and try to spot more than what she has already seen so that she won't miss anything and be unprepared or get caught off-guard in case the living survivors on the other side might find out that they have a peeking stalker in their midst or something.

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