CHAPTER 3 - Signs, Symptoms, and Sights

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Eden is still writing urgently and frantic in her journal inside her apartment.

Sometimes she looked around from her door to the windows as if expecting something to break in and attack her.

When there's nothing that she seemed to have heard or sense, she went back to writing, her dominant hand moving fast as if she's in a hurry to get this over with.

Also, it's almost as if she's writing a fictional story in her journal but in a grim truth, the story-like entry she's writing is not fictional at all.

And sometimes Eden hoped that it was and it was just some horrifying nightmare she had dreamed in her sleep.

But she couldn't deny the reality when she had seen it and witnessed it firsthand, even though somehow she managed to make it through and escape alive.

She kept on writing vigorously with her gaze focused but her mind drifted as if immersed in the dark memories she had experienced and had gone through before in those sudden horrifying days.



It was so surreal.

I had hoped at first that it was just a coincidence or something.

But I couldn't even deny the obvious signs even if they were right in front of me in large prints.

I'm sure you're wondering what it is that got me so panicked and frantic about like some madwoman who had just gone nuclear-like crazy frenzy.

I'm going to just write it all down here in my journal personally so that anyone who might find and read this will understand.

It's also in case I might not make it out alive if ever that might be the case for me when that happens.

Anyway, I'm rambling on.

This is how it happened, when and where it started, and how I've been there and seen it all through until I managed to come back and return home to my apartment.

It was just my first day at work, during the day as a part-time office assistant in a small firm situated in a very high-rise building in the city.

It was fortunate for me that I'm a quick learner and I managed to do a good job working on the first day, milling around in the office and following the orders given to me by my supervisor and superior, almost feeling like a robot designed to serve its master to the fullest.

This would be offensive to some people at first but you have to admit it's funny because for me I've always been some kind of docile type and knew better than to listen and respect my superiors even if they're mean to me and just follow and do what they say.

I didn't mind this at all because all I want is just be on the sidelines quietly and give no complaint whatsoever over any nonsense even if it's for yourself.

This job pays well and of course, I need the money despite that I do have money saved for myself.

You never know that in the future your money would run out so quickly and your normal life will instantly become a difficult one.

Anyway, moving on, this is when I noticed during lunch break the first signs that something was wrong.

I didn't bring a packed lunch with me and the canteen food is worse when I saw it so I didn't buy them. I was standing by in a room where they served coffee and took one, and as I drank halfway from my cup, I saw it.

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