CHAPTER 40 - Spiritual Holiday Preparations

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It's now the last week of the month and three days have gone and passed by as time goes on in Z-city there. And right there in Safe Haven, Eden and all the other adults in the group, except Ryu and Daiyu on watch-guard duties, are preparing for the holidays for this month that's soon to be ending and then moving on for the new one by then.

Eden was carefully stringing up some kind of fake cobwebs to give it a more spooky scary kind of scene like giant spiders were there nesting in one of the empty rooms, that's going to be turned into a 'Haunted House' feature room of sorts. And it helped to maximize the scary effects when Homer came in, lugging in some big plushy and fluffy dolls of authentic-looking giant spiders, that were almost bulging out from the box it was packed into before. Granted, they look a bit dirty and dusty from being unused for too long but the others didn't seem to mind.

Sahara was helping Eden to pass up the fake cobwebs to be stuck on or hanging by the walls of that slightly large empty room they're setting up as the Haunted room and when Homer came in, his line of sight was nearly blocked by the big pile of giant fake spiders he's bringing in, and then he wasn't aware that Nadia decided to scare her older brother a little by grabbing one of the hanging limp spider legs and let it fling right on his brother's face, making Homer instantly react comically like he thought the spiders were real and fell right on his back as the box of spiders came flying up and then crashing down on him.

Eden and the others set up the room and burst out laughing at the sight and Ole Bessie was the only one who snapped out of it and gently helped poor Homer get back on his feet. Upon realizing that he's been tricked and played, Homer turned to his laughing sisters with betrayal, while Eden tried to keep herself steady when she was standing on a slightly unstable ladder, trying to control her laughter and stop it before she might fall over and hurt herself.

Talia wasn't with them in that Halloween room, because she was busy distracting the children and making sure that they didn't see what they were working on and doing so that the fun won't be spoiled when the holidays come in and they'll enjoy having fun on going through the Haunted Halloween room.

After they were finished with the setup and done with the room for the kids, Ole Bessie, Mother Ying, and Nadia left to the kitchens to make plans and set up a very good holiday menu for all of them to appreciate and dine in upon a suitable meal. Then Sahara and Homer left to check on the traps and security measures around Safe Haven again, making sure that they're set up well and secured so that there won't be any problems upon celebrating the holidays when the time comes.

As for Eden, she was left behind to lock up the haunting room until the holidays come, and she went to set up another room that will be made into a prayer place where they'll give respect and honor memories of all the dearly departed and recently dead in prayers and respect for the spiritual holiday.

After Eden finished setting up and preparing the candles for that, as well as placing and making a space for the Asians to do their culture on respect in honor of the dead, Eden also locked up the prayer room and went to her room to write on the events into the new journal entry and she did just that as she took it out from its hiding place and started on writing in it.



Hey, it's me Eden again.

Wow, it's amazing how time flies by and you almost miss it upon realizing it but it's fortunate that it's not too late for me to miss that, since it's now nearing the holidays for October.

Since it's nearing the end of this month and will be soon the new one the next, I figured we should make up plans and prepare for the celebration and small parties for the holidays in honor of the dead as well as give prayers for our dearly departed and everything.

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