CHAPTER 21 - More Dangers But New Tricks

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It's been another week that's gone and passed by, almost so fast like a blur--or rather in slow motion and such, that Eden seemed to be prepared for something else, which was more dangerous and tensely body-wrecking enough that she must deal with.

For whatever it is that she's preparing for and ready to face and fight against, it turns out to be more new dangers that she encountered during the days from the last week, and it looked like Eden had been learning, training, and preparing herself with new skills and tricks that she's ready to fight it on against her enemies and such.

In addition, to make sure of her preparations on equipping herself with the Holt re-curve long-bow, quiver of sharp piercing arrows, a Gator machete, silenced rifle-gun, hand-guns, and other new kinds of necessities and arsenal onto her person, on her planning and preparing for another day out on a run into the streets of Z-city in the future, it looks like Eden had gotten a few new scars or injuries that she went through the harrowing heart-wracking incidents from the new dangers she encountered the previous week.

So far and fortunately only for Eden, her kids Michael and Annie didn't notice anything amiss or something, whenever she returned home to Safe Haven with bruises, injuries, and such, because they were hidden beneath her clothes and not visible to them, which the woman didn't let them see it if there were.

It helps that Archer the puppy keeps the children distracted as they play with it but Luna was worried and upset for her master when it sensed and noticed the woman's hidden injuries and attempted to comfort her hurts, as Eden tried to stop the female dog from nuzzling its nose or rubbing its snout against her hands and feet so that the little ones won't notice it.

On the end of the seventh day of that last week, Eden stayed there in Safe Haven, preparing and training herself to be ready for the next days in the future to go out into the city streets once more, and it looks like she's very determined to do so, despite the new threats and dangers she discovered over there because she needed to gather more materials and supplies to provide for her group, ensure more safety and security measures into Safe Haven, and be fully prepared for the next months to come upon staying and living in Z-city in the later future.

But as of right now, Eden decided to stick around and stay in Safe Haven for about three days or so, following one of her survival rules, to wait for the chaotic incidents or noisy happenings to die down until she deemed it safe and the right time to go out on another run again.

Eden was busy making dinner for the kids, pet dogs, and herself, and it didn't take long for the nighttime meal to finish, as she called out for them to come and eat and they come running to her upon hearing her call. As they are eating their fill of the nutritious dinner they're having and then finished, Eden told the two children about her plans that she'll be staying for a while after the week she's been out almost half a day time then, and Michael and Annie were both delighted and happy upon hearing the news like they knew Eden might teach them more lessons on defending themselves, how to survive, watch out for any dangers outside Safe Haven, and other things like that.

As it turns out, Eden made sure that she always got the free spare time to teach her growing kids how to survive and live through this zombie-infested apocalypse and such, so that they'll be readily prepared to face and fight against anything that will come at them if the time or moment ever comes.

Even though Eden knows that it is cruel and harsh to teach the kids at their very young age how to survive in a horrific apocalypse such as the state they are in now, she had long decided back then that she needs to do this so that there is no worry or concern about her children being vulnerable and defenseless whenever she's gone away from them.

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