Chapter 1

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Little note, the New Earth Series has been adopted by Jasmine55 on Fanfiction and DarkShado on Archive of our Own.

As Oliver Queen looked up at the newly formed world above him, along with Barry and Sara, both of whom were looking down at him in tear filled eyes, he let out a sigh of relief that his fight was finally over. He could rest now. Everyone he loved would live again. Even if that meant that he couldn't.

With that thought in mind, Oliver closed his eyes as he felt his journey finally come to an end. Or so he thought.

About a minute later, Oliver Queen did the very last thing he ever thought he'd do again. He opened his eyes. A minute later, he shot upwards, breathing heavily, wondering how it was possible that he was even breathing at all. Dead people don't breathe.

"What the hell is going on here?" Oliver asked as he tried to get his bearings, but everything that was happening now made no sense to him.

"You looked surprised Oliver Queen. I cannot blame you." Konstantin Kovar said as he entered the room and now Oliver became aware of where he was. He was somehow back on Lian Yu as Kovar's prisoner.

"How is this possible? You're dead." Oliver said, wondering what the hell was going on.

"Nothing ever truly dies." Kovar said.

"You will." Oliver said as he quickly began working his way out of the restraints Kovar had him in.

"Big talk coming from a man in chains." Kovar said.

"Listen, before you do whatever torture you have planned for me, can I offer you some parting advice?" Oliver asked.

"What?" Kovar asked.

"When you restrain a man, always make sure all of his limbs are accounted for." Oliver said as he jumped up and kicked Kovar in the chest, then flipped as he freed his hands.

"Impressive. But inconsequential." Kovar said as he raised his gun, only for Oliver to quickly knock it out of his hand and hold Kovar in a chokehold.

"You were saying?" Oliver asked as he prepared to snap Kovar's neck yet again, though he honestly had no idea why he was doing this, since if he was dead, it shouldn't matter if Kovar tried to kill him. But then again, all factors led to one clear truth. He wasn't dead. He'd figure out what was going on later, right now, he needed to get off the island.

"Do you really think that you will be able to get off this island alive Mr. Queen? Even if it is not me who gets you, there are others who will." Kovar said.

"And they'll end up the same way you have. Dead on the ground." Oliver said.

"But what of Ms. Lance?" Kovar asked, making Oliver halt.

"What?" Oliver demanded, thinking that they'd also captured Sara somehow.

"Do you honestly believe that you can find where my men have hidden your beloved before the boat arrives to take you home?" Kovar asked.

"Where is she?" Oliver demanded.

"Why would I tell you that. You and Ms. Lance caused me a great deal of trouble back in Russia. What better way to repay you than to make sure you never get home. You kill me, my men will kill her." Kovar said.

"Your men are likely already dead." Oliver said, though he wasn't as confident about that as he would like to be, since now he had no idea what was going on.

"You honestly believe that woman could kill my best men on her own?" Kovar asked.

"You'd be surprised." a new voice that surprised both Kovar and Oliver for different reasons as they turned to see not Sara, but Laurel Lance standing there, her appearance rather ragged, but ultimately, it looked like she'd come out the victor of a few fights.

"Laurel?" Oliver asked, trying to figure out what the hell was going on here.

"What are you waiting for Ollie, the boat will be here any moment." Laurel said and Oliver nodded as he then proceeded to snap Kovar's neck.

"And this time, stay dead." Oliver said, still wondering what was going on, since he had no idea how any of this was happening.

"His men are dead, but we need to move now or we'll miss the boat and I don't know about you, but I've had my share of island life." Laurel said.

"Let's go." Oliver said as he followed Laurel out the door, but to his surprise, he did not find himself on Lian Yu, but in a place he despised almost as much.

"So, you're alive again." Oliver said to Mar Novu.

"As are you Mr. Queen." Novu said.

"What the hell is going on here? Why am I back on Lian Yu and why is Laurel here with me?" Oliver asked.

"It would appear that a force even greater than myself has decided that your journey is not yet complete Oliver." Novu said.

"What are you talking about?" Oliver asked.

"Instead of dying, you have been reborn in the new world you have created, as have the paragons." Novu said.

"I don't understand." Oliver said.

"It would seem that the land of the living is not yet done with you Oliver. So, instead of dying, you have been given a fresh start. You have been returned to the day you returned home from Lian Yu so that you can correct your mistakes and save those you could not before." Novu said.

"Like Laurel." Oliver said and Novu nodded.

"Indeed. It would appear that the universe has decided to reward you by giving you a chance to be with your true love, for while you loved Felicity Smoak greatly, you never did love her the way you did Laurel Lance." Novu said and Oliver couldn't even deny it.

"So does that mean that everyone else I love is back too? Tommy, my mother, Samantha, Quentin, Emiko?" Oliver asked and Novu nodded.

"Yes. You have been given a second chance to save the world Oliver Queen. I recommend you use it wisely." Novu said.

"Is there any chance that you could give me a crash course on everything I've missed?" Oliver asked and Novu chuckled.

"Of course. I will have to do that for all the paragons, except for Lex Luthor, who's memories I will be erasing now that he is no longer of use." Novu said and Oliver nodded as Novu waved his hand and suddenly, Oliver felt the memories of a life he'd never lived enter his mind and he now saw the changes in this reality. In this universe, he'd taken Laurel and Sara on the Gambit, though it was only because Sara had wanted to hitch a ride to China with them and since Sara had finally gotten over him, Oliver, Laurel and Robert hadn't seen the harm in letting her tag along. However, when the gambit went down, they'd been separated and while the rest of his and Sara's history had gone about the same as before, Laurel had been found by the League right after the Gambit had gone down and had thought he was dead, even after Sara joined the League, until they'd met up by pure accident in Russia where Oliver had convinced her to come back with him and now, he was planning on going to Nanda Parbat to get Sara her freedom too.

"Before you go after Sara, I caution you to wait until after you have met with J'onn J'onzz, since he and the other paragons will remember the truth of what is going on as well, so he will be very helpful in helping you build your team." Novu said and Oliver nodded in understanding as Novu returned him to his new life in this brave new world.

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