Chapter 2

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"Are you sure you got all of Kovar's men?" Oliver asked as he and Laurel rushed to where the crates with the gear Anatoli had prepared for them were hidden.

"Yeah. I also shot down his chopper while you were taking a nap." Laurel said.

"He wanted me personally." Oliver said as they reached the crates and they both quickly made it appear like they'd been on the island for years.

"Whatever. Come on, we've only got one shot at this." Laurel said as Oliver nodded as he grabbed his bow, lit the arrowhead and shot it at the pyre, causing it to ignite, just like before, as he and Laurel ran towards the beach to find the boat approaching.

"We're going home." Laurel said.

"And once we're there, we'll find a way to get Sara to come home with us." Oliver said and Laurel nodded, right as the boat reached the shore and two chinese fisherman were standing on the boat.

"You lit the fire?" one of the fisherman asked and Oliver nodded.

"Please, we've been stranded here for 5 years. Can you help us get home?" Oliver asked and the fishermen nodded as they helped Oliver and Laurel board the boat, though neither of them noticed the looks the two fishermen shared.

After the two of them had gotten as comfortable as they could be on the boat, Oliver thought about all the things he was going to do differently, especially after J'onn restored the memories of the rest of his team. The first thing he was going to do was bring his team back together. Starting with his brother in all blood, John, along with Roy, Rene, Thea if she wanted to and even Felicity. And this time, he was going to make sure that the team did not disband. There was also a reason he was bringing Rene in and it was the same reason he had been harder on Rene than he had any of the others. It was because out of all of his recruits, Rene was the one who reminded him the most of himself, which was probably why they'd clashed so frequently. But Oliver knew that Rene was a good man and out of all of the recruits, he was the one Oliver could trust the most, since even though he had betrayed him once before, Oliver understood his position, since honestly, he likely would've done the same thing if the roles had been reversed.

Then he started thinking about how he'd approach his villains differently. Malcolm, Ra's, Darhk, Diaz and Dante, they were all dead as soon as he got them in his sights. Slade, Chase, Emiko and even Cayden James, they were different stories. While Oliver knew that Slade had done some terrible things, he also knew that the only reason he had done them was because he had the mirakuru in him. Oliver knew that underneath the mirakuru was still a man he called his brother and he knew that he had to try to get him back, since who knows, maybe if he prevented Slade from becoming the terrorist Deathstroke, maybe it could prevent his sons from going down the same path. Chase, while Oliver knew he was insane, he also knew that the main reason he'd attacked Star City was because Oliver had killed his father. Which was why Oliver was simply going to put Justin Claybourne in prison instead of kill him, though he also needed to have Chase committed for life, which he was sure Lyla could help him with, though he had no intention of dealing with Chase until after he'd put Waller in the ground, since this time, he wanted to be the one to do it. Emiko, well, Oliver was hoping that after J'onn restored her memories, she'd remember who her real family was and turn on the Ninth Circle, since he'd made it clear to her that despite her thoughts, he did care about her. As for Cayden James, Oliver knew the only reason James had become a real threat was because Diaz had been pulling their strings, so he figured that by killing Diaz, preferably as painfully as possible, he could prevent those events from taking place.

Anyways, Oliver finally pulled himself out of his thoughts as he thought about a phone call he needed to make.

"Hey, do you have a phone? I need to make a call." Oliver said.

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