Ch. 23 // Stay away.

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"do you want to hangout with the boys or you want to stay home?" Matt questioned me for an agreement.

I sat up from my bed and crawl over to him, wrapping my arms from his back. "I know you want to have some fun, so hanging out sounds good."

"okay, I'll go get changed." he replied kissing forehead.

He walked over to his closet, pulling out a soccer jersey and a jeans, while I walk into the bathroom having to change as well. I pull on a slouch sweater that reveals my left shoulder and black washed skinny jeans. Once I'm finished, feeling confidence grew, I exited the bathroom and turn towards Matt who's having hard times fixing his ruffled hair.

"can you even fix your hair?" I giggled unattractively.

"no, help me pwease?" he faked pouted.

I laughed and stood on the tip of my toe so I'm as the same height as his, since my eyes couldn't reach in a better view. His body vibrated as few low chuckles escaped his mouth, seeing me struggling to balance on tip toeing.

"stop laughing will you?" I playfully slap my palm to his arm.

"I'm sorry, you're so small, it's so cute." he teased.

I playfully roll my eyes at him as I came to a finishing touch on his hair.

"done!" I beamed, clasping my hands together feeling my muscles finally relaxes after tip toeing for quite long.

"thanks babe." he said taking me by surprised when he unexpectedly land his lips on mine. He grab my hand, beaming, "let's go!" as we walk out from his house.


We arrived shortly after, to the building I'm familiar with. Once the door swung open, a voice of boys screaming was the one that starts to blare inside the room. And the place was not surprisingly messy, it's always been when it comes to hanging out.

"dude, Matt's here!" Jack Gilinsky said, giving Matthew a pat on the back while I was greeted with small hugs.

"how are you, Em?" Nash kindly asked.

"I'm great, thanks." I grinned.

"who's up for pizza?" Jack Johnson asked.

Everyone replied with the same agreement as he dials the number for pizza delivery. While waiting, the boys played around like usual, which consist of running and jumping around. Without realizing, I'm now in a situation I've been longed to hope, feeling carefree, finally out of my locked torturing cage. The pizza arrived not so long after.

"let's play soccer at the backyard!" Sammy suggested as everyone agrees with him.

"let me get my phone first, I'll come outside later." I said to Matt.

"okay, don't get to long." he replied, trailing behind the boys whose running outside to the backyard.

I shook my head at their weird but funny behavior. Once I've found my phone that's sinking on the couch, I slide it into my jeans pocket and about to head out when a familiar voice stops my step.

"I'm surprised to see you're comfortable here after what happened." Cameron stood, leaning on his side to the wall. "I thought I scared you."

"why should I be afraid of you?" I attempt to show no signs of fright but the unwanted memory began to break through the walls I've built inside me.

"that's right, then why are you shaking?" he raised an eyebrow, slowly stepping closer as his height towers above me.

"Cam, stay away from me, please." I silently said as my voice trembles.

"have you realized the reason I kissed you that time is because I have feelings for you?" he said, narrowing his eyes at me.

"w-what?" I stammered.

"I care about you, but why Matt? I can give you so much more." he said rudely.

"I chose Matt cause he was there for me since the start! He was the one who helped me from the beginning. And you're expecting that I would choose you over him? No, Cam, are you out of your mind?" I shook my head dissaproving his words towards me.

"yes, I guess I am, because I have feelings for you, you drive me insane." he replied showing truth from his facial expression. "and kissing you was the best part."

"why are you doing this to me? Why me? When you know, there are plenty of perfect girls out there." I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"and I hate to face the fact that I'm fucking jealous." He snarls, scrunching his nose slightly. 

"there's no need to be jealous. I'm pretty sure you'll find someone who's perfect for you." my voice softens yet he kept his hard look on me.

"what if I already found one, but that someone belongs to my own so called best friend?"

"hey what's going on now?!" Matt's voice came out loud almost in anger. He walk past Cameron, pulling my waist to his side. "we've talked about this, Cam, stay away from her. We know who she belongs to and don't even start with me." he warned.

Cam kept a hard look, barely wanting to make an eye contact but only slightly. We walked out to the backyard, meeting with the others who's skin already covered in dirt.

"if you're uncomfortable here, we can go back home." Matt offers, small frown forms on his lips.

"I'm fine, go have fun. Don't let me be the reason why you can't be around with the boys." I replied.

"yeah but I don't like Cam being around you like that." he scowled glancing inside the room.

"look, I'm fine," I convinced him.

"okay." he sighed exasperated.

He rejoined playing soccer with the rest, while I sat on one of the backyard bench. A little after, someone joined to sit beside me taking me by slight surprise that it was Madison.

"how are things going?" she suddenly asked without making an eye contact, instead her gaze were distant to the boys yet not directly.

"doing well." I shrugged carelessly.

"I'm afraid, you know," she trailed off. "if you're dad suddenly finds out"

"please, can we not talk about my dad?" I interrupted her mid-sentence before she could finish what she's about to say.

"I'm sorry, but the thought of it. You know.. I'm worried about you and Matt." she said what seems to be concerned look on her face.

I let out a gush of air, taping my eyelids shut. "you're not the only one who's worried."

I'm beyond worried for truth sake.


A/N: omg I haven't updated in so long, what's up?!

Escaping // Matthew EspinosaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin