Ch. 11 // Accidentally.

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It was getting colder as the rain grew heavier. Even though I already wore pair of clothes that's literary had already cover my pale skin, it seems to be still freezing. But this weather rarely happens here in L.A. sometimes, even Matt is curled up inside the blanket while watching Netflix with me. I look at him in adoration, it's the most cutest sight to see if I must admit.

"god damn when will the rain stop?" Matt questioned in annoyance.

I shrug, but it clearly wouldn't stop until late night considering the heavy rain that's drizzling down. A muffled voice of starving stomach was heard and Matt stars smiling embarrassedly.

"someone seems hungry." I giggled.

"very." he added. "i can't wait any longer, seriously."

"why don't we order a food?" I suggested.

His face lit up, agreed with my suggestion as he jumps from the couch, snatching his phone off the table but his face soon replaced with disappointment, "no fucking connection?!" he sigh loudly, slamming his body down to the couch.

Poor Matthew Lee Espinosa is way to hungry.

"do you have any ingridients? I'll cook you something if you want." since he's giving me so much, I should do something in return.

"there are seriously no food, but there's a nearest grocery store we can walk there but it's raining." he roll his eyes at the word 'raining'. He was quiet, perharps annoyed until his lips pull up into a cheeky smirk. "I've got an idea."

"what?" I asked. Confused at his cheeky smirk.

"why don't we yolo all the way to the store?" he asked and I quickly shook my head.

"you know-"

"I don't have an umberella." he said, before I could finish telling him to use an umberella instead. "let's go!" he beamed, pulling me up from the couch but I stopped arubtly.

"are you crazy?! I can't run all the way, my leg." I said referring to my injured leg, but now the pain seems to fade each days past (it's been three day since I moved in).

"oh" he thought for a second when his finger clicks as he found an idea. "jump on my back."

"no Matt, it's raining heavily out there. And you might slip and feel." walking back to the couch, he throws my body over his shoulder, exiting the door he kicks the door shut behind him.

"Matt! Don't carry me like this!" I shout, but my words pretty sure muffled, defeated by the sound of drizzling rain.

"then jump on my back." he demanded and I don't even know why I oblige. "trust me, this is going to be fun." and I can noticeably see the ghost of smirk crept on his lips.

He ran off without a warning and I gripped harder onto his shoulder blade. The drizzling rain washes our body as we ran through it, being reckless as ever. I screamed, but not in fear, I join along Matt's uncontrollable joyful shouts and laugh. Once a time when there's a puddle, he would jump on it, splashing more rain water to our body. The neighborhood seems a bit quiet, I was hoping there are no one watching us this crazy or otherwise.

"Matt stop! We're going to fall!" I said when he wouldn't stop jumping over the puddles.

"no we're not!" he shouts back in laughter.

"yes we are!"

"no Emma, trust me!" and with that word said, I held onto him more tighter until we reached the grocery store, with body soaking from the drizzling rain.

We entered the room hand in hand, ignoring the glares that are thrown at us. We silently laugh together until Matt pull me over to the meat place and started bursting out from the laughter he's been holding back.

"I swear you're the most craziest person ever." I said, shaking my head at him.

"you'll get used to it." he replied.

We've got all the ingredients needed to cook our own pancake. Once we walk into the cashier, the cashier-a women furrowed her eyebrows at us. Probably confused at the sight of two teenage boy and girl at the grocery store soaking wet. After he paid, the rain finally stops which was something relieved to us but Matt find it annoying.

"oh great so the rain decides to stop now?!" Matt said in annoyance, throwing his hand in the air. I laugh looking at his childish scowl.

"hey, at least we got some food." I nudged his elbow playfully.

"at least." he shrug his shoulders and we continue walking back to his house.

The cold breeze from the recent weather was blowing against our skin. My body shivered in cold, wet plus cold wind is a bad combination for a skin. The dark clouds still covering the sky above us but it slowly contrasts into white clouds. While walking, Matt decided to pull up a topic letting our conversation flow as we reach his house.

"I've never done this crazy thing with a girl before." he admitted.

"and I'm not looking forward to do this again because I'm shivering now." I said earning a chuckle from him.

"it was fun." he said.

"it was crazy." I corrected.

"we should try something more crazy." I shove him in the arm at his word. This guy is pretty sure something.

We settled down all the grocery bags at the kitchen table. Afterwards both of us done cleaning up our body from running through the drizzling rain earlier. We set up all the ingredients, took out all the things needed and started cooking our pancakes. Not only cooking, few minutes past and we've done mixing the ingredients, there's a left over flour which Matt took it for an advantage to start a food fight with me. And the kitchen turn into a flour battle stadium. The air filled with our loud joyful shrieks and shouts added with our voice of bursting into laughter.

"Matt stop!" I shrieked when he wouldn't stop throwing flours at me.

"I'll stop if you stop!" he said and I remove my hands away from the air, I was attempting to threaten him with another throw of flour.

"okay stop, let's just continue on with the pancake." I said, turning on the stove making sure the frying pan is heated.

I stare at Matt, amazed, completely melt at his well cooking skills. It's just this feeling I felt at the sight of a teenage boy who can cook. And I'm completely surprised that he was good at it. After I'm done flipping two pancakes, a smell of something burning lingers around my nose, the smell came from Matt's pan.

"Matt! You're pancake!" I shouted and he jumps slightly, shoving the burning pancake from the pan to the plate.

It seems like he was zoning out, what was he thinking about before? I shrug the unspoken question away and serve our foods to the living room where we decide to eat on the couch instead. For the topping, I decided to pour chocolate syrup and a scoop of vanilla Ice cream for the both of us.

"I didn't realize I burned one of my pancake." Matt nervously chuckle at what happened before.

"you completely didn't notice. What were you thinking about before?" I asked curiously.

He stayed quiet and shook his head, smiling down to himself. "nothing." he replied.

We ate our food while having a conversation going on and I finally forgot what it's feel like being lonely. I finally feel cared.


A/N: just a lil' crappy filler chapter. I'm sorry if it's very cheeezzzzyyyy:b

But enjoy!!!!!!

Sorry for not updating like 5 days? Lol, well hello there I'm back. I swear the next chapters will satisfy your eyes (i hope) don't forget to vote and leave a comment, ily!

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