Ch. 2 // Where am I?

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The sound rung in my ears repeatedly. I turn my head to the the left and to the right as I squint my eyes open, feeling a massive pounding in my head.

"argh!" I squirmed, trying to fight the pain. Once the pain lowers down my vision became clear.

To my side there's a heart monitor, and to my other side there are few roses. My leg is covered in a white cast, a bandaid wrapped around my forehead. And my scar... They must've open from my suicide attempt. My eyes scanned around the room.

Where am I?

Am i at the hospital?

My eyes widened. I realized, i'm still alive. I started breathing sharply as tears forming inside my eyes. No... No! I can't live! I can't be survive! I was supposed to die!

"no.." i whispered underneath my breath.

"No!" my voice erupted into a loud scream as I sat down.

I started screaming the same words repeatedly. While shaking my head uncontrollably, pulling my hair as if I'm going insane.


"NO! NO!"

"I WAS SUPPOSED TO DIE!" i screamed once more, extending the word 'die'.

I cried continuously as I heard foot steps running towards my room. The door flew open as a nurse and a doctor ran to me. Gripping onto my hand to calm me down.

They must've notice my scar.

"miss, I want you to calm down." the doctor said.

"No! Let me go! Let me go!" I screamed, struggling away from their grip.

"calm down! Breathe in breathe out." the nurse added.

"No! Just let me go! Let me die!" I cried desperately. While the doctor and the nurse tries to calm me down, I kept crying and screaming insanely.

Soon someone ran into my room as he held my arms firmly.

"let me go! Let me go!" I screamed.

"calm down, please!" the boy cupped my face, but i refuse to see him. "I saved you okay?"

"why?! Why! Why would you save me! I just want to die!" I cried.

The boy seem to demand the doctor and the nurse to leave as he takes control to calm me down.

No matter how hard he tries to sooth me, I'm still upset that I'm still alive. But i want to die, like I beg to god every night.

"why did you save me?" I sobbed, feeling exhausted from crying.

"cause life is worth to live. And it's my fault that should've not drive when I'm tired. So i apologize and-"

"it's not you fault.." i sobbed, hugging onto my knees. "i was going to kill myself."

"b-but why?" he strutted confusingly.

I took a deep inhale as I continue to reply his question, "because life is cruel! And i can't take it anymore i just want to.. I just want die." I cover my face with the palm of my hands, sobbing harder.

"don't cry." he said as he held me in his embrace, his instant warmth calms my head down a bit. "look at me." he held my chin up as I open my eyes to lock gazes with him.

His mesmerizing light brown eyes made me lost at my own thoughts. He was... Beyond charming.

"everything will be just fine." he brushed the tears away from my cheek.

Soon I realized that I recognize his face, I've heard of him before. Someone told me... But who?

Heather did! Heather was a fan of him!

"are you okay?" he narrowed his eyes.

"are you.." i paused. "are you... Matthew?" i questioned, confident in my own words.

Escaping // Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now