Ch. 5 // Caring the unperfect.

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I fiddle my fingers playfully, feeling bored with nothing to do. Nothing much fun on the television.

Few minutes later, the doors open with Alice and a tray of my food. "dinner time." she announced.

"thanks." i said.

Not so long after, a double knock was heard on the door. I turn my head towards the door while Alice is still busy with my foods to find Matt leaning on the door frame with a heart warming smile. His light brown hair is usually up in a quiff but it looks more messy now and his eyelids seems heavy.

"hi." he greeted as he walks towards my bed.

"hi." i replied. He always came to visit me, almost everyday, but it's rare for me to see him this exhausted. "you look tired."

"yeah." he mumbled.

"do you want me to help you eat?" Alice asked, knowing the doctor informed me that my body would heal faster if i don't move to much. I nod my head in response.

"it's okay, let me do this." Matt sad as he took the chicken soup off from Alice's hand.

"well then I'll leave you two alone." Alice smiled, exiting the room leaving just me and Matt. Refusing would be one pointless thing.

"open your mouth wide!" he carefully swing the spoonful of chicken soup.

"Matt, I'm not 5 years old." I said.

"come on." He sighed. "can't you just smile for once?"

I look down, it's Impossible to force every single bit of my muscles to form a smile. "well.." I shrugged. "it's not good to force something right?"

"no. It's easy just do this." he showed me how to smile. It looks so easy on him that I asked to myself, how can they manage to smile?

"hm." I frowned.

"here let me help." he said as his two fingers went to each corner of my lips, forming a curve of a smile. Fake smile if i must add.

"stop." I said pushing his fingers off.

"staaaahhhppp. Whatevah just tryna help." he mimicked a sassy tone on his voice, but I couldn't resist how truthfully cute he is. It was impossible to hold back the giggle.

"see? You just smiled!" he grinned proudly. "you look beautiful when you smile." he muttered, as i raise an eyebrow at him but deep down mentally i feel flustered by his comment. "what? I'm being honest." he said.

"okay okay." I replied.

"now eat so you'll get better." he gently shove the spoonful of chicken soup into my mouth.

I watch him as I feel something beating inside my chest. What's the feeling? I've never experienced something like this nor feeling it. I'm lost in his mesmerizing gaze, it felt as if I'm in a different world of a dream landscape. So lost, that I must ask to myself; Why is he so charming?
Why haven't I notice how charming he is before?

"how are you feeling?" he asked, starting a casual conversation it seems.

"better?" I stated rather questioning, do i really felt any better?

He scooped another chicken soup from the bowl, steering it into my mouth as I slowly ate it. It actually taste delicious, Alice must've cooked it instead the usual chef. She did stated that she was good at cooking.

"Really?" he questioned.

"well, other than having too stay at this crappy place for 3 weeks and smell the horrible air of hospital, I'm actually fine." I replied confidently as I earn a soft chuckle from him.

Oh, he still looks attractive when he chuckles.

"oh! Almost forgot!" he placed the bowl on the desk right to my bed, as he pulls his backpack to his lap.

"what is it?" curiosity at it's best in me.

"so.. Me.. And my best friend Carter, were bored.. So when went to the carnival along with his girlfriend and other boys and..." he explained, his hands still busy searching for the item he's looking.

"and?" My eyebrows raised.

"I got this at a game, but I'm giving it to you." he fished out a blue bunny doll, it's medium size, fit enough to hug if I may assume. I glare at him in awe.

"Blue! My favorite color!" I said as he placed the bunny doll on top of my stomach. My fingers running freely over it's soft material.

"i thought you might need something to keep you company when you're alone." Matt grinned.

"you know.. You don't have to do much for me." I stare up to his honey brown eyes.

"remembering me convincing you that everything will be fine?" he asked. I nod. "like i said, leave it all to me. You'll feel better in no time."

I smiled at his gentle actions towards me. I never expect these kinds of treats he would gave to me in order to make me 'happy'. But soon, my lips fall into a frown. Little did I know, that I'm slowly threatening his life into a danger. What if one day my dad finds out all this? The fact that me and him, the car incident spread across the news, gossips speaks, everything. What would I do after I'm out from here? Coming home to my reality nightmare? What about Matt? What's my dad going to do to him? What's another torturing stuff that I will receive from my dad? It saddens me to know that it's not fine yet, that I'm still stuck inside my nightmare.

"are you okay, Emma?" Matt asked concerned.

"y-yeah." I strutted, biting on my bottom lip nervously.

His eyebrows knit together as if he didn't fall for my simple lie. "obviously lying." he said. "tell me."

I sigh, keep strong Emma, don't cry.

"I don't feel like talking about it." I muttered.

He sighs as he leans his back on his chair. "but will you tell me next time? You can always trust me." he assured me.

"i guess.. I'm okay with that." I reply, as his hand slowly reaching to the back of my hand. I flinch slightly at his sudden skin contact with mine. His thumb brushing softly againts my knuckles. Hesitantly, I held his hand back and from his touch, his sending me something that causes my stomach to curl, an unknown wonderful feeling inside. It was too soon when he decided to break away his hand free, slowly gliding to my wrist area where my scars belongs. He frowned as his gaze fixed on my wrist.

"I wish I can fix you." he said. I kept my mouth silent, not knowing what to reply, but I'm stunned with by his words. "if you let me.."

"let you?" I asked.

"let me fix you." he replied, serious with his words. "you don't have to worry a single thing, just let me do my job, I'll take care of everything. Soon you'll recover from everything, I promise you that." he said assuringly, flashing a soft smile which his small dimples seem to reveal.

And I'm still questioning myself how could my eyes never notice how beautiful he is?

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